Gen-X Calcium Reactor Media


New member
I bought some Gen-X Calcium Reactor Media from you guys a while back. My effluent dKH seems low, so I was wondering what the recommended reactor pH should be to properly dissolve this stuff. Thanks for the help.

Hi Mike,

I have found the larger grain media's to work best in an environment that ranges from 6.5 - 6.7.

Ok, that's what I have been running it at. I will shoot for closer to 6.5 and retest my effluent dKH.
I started up a GEO reactor a month ago using the Gen-X media. I have my pH controller turn CO2 on at 6.6 and off at 6.7. My effluent is off the charts (over 16 dkH) with a saliert test kit. Tank alk increased from 6.0 to 10.2! Ca up from 390 to 430 and still climbing.