Getting back in - need to borrow barrels for the weekend


New member
I am buying a new tank Sunday and was hoping to borrow a few big containers for water over the weekend.

Does anyone have any ~50G containers they would be willing to loan a stranger for the weekend? I can pick up in brandon/tampa today or tomorrow, or down towards bradenton tomorrow morning.

Having a few extra hands to help set back up wouldn't hurt either, if anyone is looking for something to do Sunday :)
Thank you - I had to sell off everything I had due to moving cross-country a few times, but now that things are settled down again we're excited to enjoy reefkeeping again.
Hello Safir.
I too had to move across the country with tanks in tow. I know the pain. I have a 100 gallon stock tank you could borrow if you would like. I am located in Riverview.
Fuzz - thank you for the offer, I believe I am in good shape with the barrel from oblio and another I found today.