getting ready for the move to Texas!

Hold UP!!
So Ken you are backing donw on me now. I thought you were drving out to Texas with me. I already picked you out a Stetson and some Sh*t kickers. Well I tried!!!
I saw the stand last night. Pictures don't do it justice. Brent is a true craftsman. Can't wait to see it setup.


Well I started getting in some of my supplies for the move and also started loading up the truck last night. I first want to thank Socal Creations,Ken(Konadog),Ted(Tedinator) Dave(O2manyfish) and Tat (Tats Tropical Illusions AKA TAAM Rio) for all their help in supplying myself with some of the equipment needed for such a large move. Just the moving and planning that is involved with relocating your family and household half way across the United States in itself is a headache, but bless my Wifes heart for putting up with me while I am welding @ 11pm trying to build a trailer to put my stupid tank and equipment on. I wanted to thank Tat publicly for going out of his way and bringing in and supplying me with a pallet of his OceanPure 200g Salt mix cases for my move. I know some of you are asking What the hell is this moron doing, why doesn't he just buy the salt over there!! Well my friends I am a firm believer in the OceanPure salt and the DFWMAS club has been doing group buys for the club inorder to get a decent price for salt from Marine Depot, if not they pay and arm and a leg out there. Here are some pick of the cases I had to lug and stack in the moving truck.
I also picked up a 37"x24"x16" prop tank from Ken(Konadog) last night for my stand that I built that will house the prop system and sump/fuge. It is lit by a Lumenarc III and will house my livestock until my main display gets cycled up and stable enough to transfer my fish. Socal Creations built my sump/fuge and I will be picking it up from them this morning, so Steve thanks to Steve for building it last minute for me and my pestering to have it done in time. Here are some picks from their site. The dimensions are 60"x24"x24"
. I have to be done loading up the truck tonight as they are picking up the trailer tomorrow morning(23rd). The only thing that will be left in my house is my tank and system. I will be breaking donw the system this coming tues (28th) and be placing all of the livestock into two 120qt igloo containers that I am installing air stones, heaters, and powerheads. Thanks to Ted(Tedinator0 for hooking me up with the air pumps,stones and lines for the mini systems that will be in the bed of my truck. Basicaly you have to create a portable system that will keep the parameters so that the fish and corals will stay alive for the ride out to Texas. I am taking along a couple of 55g drums that I have to throw my live rock with. I have over 800#s in the tank and I picked up some really nice slabs that I am adhearing to the back wall of the tank with. I am tired of the Miami Vice(Lyndel) blue back that I had the tank made with. I am too poor to buy the Porcelin back panels so I am going to adhere the slabs to the back wall with the black handi expansion foam. We did it to Daves tank and it looked killer. I will post some more picks once I start to break down the system, I appologize mods for taking up so much bandwith, but I really would like others that are thinking about such a move to understand and learn from my mistakes.
P.S. I raided Hme Depot and Mcmaster Carr and puchased some of the fittings and a couple cases of Aquamend for the mounting of my corals.

Brent Higa
Wow! You sure leave prepared! Good luck in Texas, Brent!

BTW, Ken did you ever find those sweepers? Looks like Brent took them all!:lol:
Yes, I found mine before Brent took them all :)

Here's the first box of fittings.

Alot of us use the aquamend from Home Depot in the paint dept. I have been using it for the past 5 years with great sucess. and it is 2 dollars and some change.
Brent Higa
I can't wait for you to get here.

That tank looks great! Plus, I saw something new, which is a great idea. They reversed the clamps so that they could support the center, which I never thought of.

Keep bringing stuff. We don't got nothin' out here, unless we take it from an unsuspecting foreigner with our six shooters. ;)
Sounds like you'll be the new king of the annual Frag Swap in Dallas once that new system is up and running. Your growout/fuge is larger than most peoples system in Dallas. Good luck with the move.


Is the Aquamend reef safe? It sure is a lot cheaper than the other stuff.

BTW, good luck on your move. Looks like you already got everything planned out.
Sounds like you'll be the new king of the annual Frag Swap in Dallas once that new system is up and running. Your growout/fuge is larger than most peoples system in Dallas. Good luck with the move.

ANNUAL swap? Brent is going to go through swap withdrawal.

Our loss is your gain.

So Brent, how many bags of carbon are you bringing? :D And you did leave the contact info for your source with someone, right? I may run out of carbon in another year or so. ;)
Aquamend is reef safe. I've been using it for a year or so and Brent said that he's been using it for 5 or so years.

There is some talk of a bi-annual swap, to help alleviate the withdrawl symptoms of some.

I am taking 400#s with me, it should last me a year or so. I provided a mutual friend of ours the contact information and when everyone is ready I orchistrate it for evryone as usual.
Take care,
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6807194#post6807194 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Chrisrush
Aquamend is reef safe. I've been using it for a year or so and Brent said that he's been using it for 5 or so years.


Thanks for the info Chris.
I already have a quote for us in Dallas. I just wanted to get settled in and will post in your guys forum later.