getting ready for the move to Texas!

I think the club just wants you to truck in all-things-aquaria, and leave the furniture behind. :lol:
Well, I just got back from helping Brent load his tank (and half of everything else he forgot to load in the house trailer!) and sent him on his way.

All I can say is I hope he makes it and doesn't loose any livestock.

We should here from him in a few days with a full report on how the trip went.
oh no, just got a call from brent and boy did he have bad luck.
his hitch came loose and smashed a wall on his brand freaking new sump.
that's not the worst of it. The bottom panel on his beautiful 385 gal tank came off.
brent, dont lose heart! i'm sure you'll bounce back w/a vengeance.
O DUDE! Are you kidding me...All that work and preparation that guy did. That sux big!

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6678408#post6678408 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by BigStun
haha...and don't let them wear jeans with holes in the knees when you are welding standing up, the slag will find its way right into the hole, down your leg, into your sock, and right on your toe :mad2:

Real men wear shorts and a t-shirt to weld...lmao
and wait for it to get really windy, also make sure the metal is really dirty so it splatters alot. That goes for plasma cutters

Seriously though those look like nice welds great job.
Sorry to hear about your loss. Of all the things that can go wrong with a tank and your hitch fails and breaks it THAT sucks.
Good luck man:)
couldn't have done it with the guide of Ken with his meticulous nit-picking that ultimately got all of my equipment here(except for the mishap of the Hitch)her in one piece, there wasn't a inch of space that wasn't used on a 16' trailer. John came over early to help me pack up the corals and livestock and I must appologize to him about my little rugrats using him as a jungle gym. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger, and I thank God for keeping me and my father safe.
Corals and material goods are replaceable, Yes it hurts and sickens me to loose livestock and have a huge Flat-bak hex shaped paper weight in my garge, but I will arise just as I have done in the past and will try to replicate as close as I can a mini ocean for my family and friends to enjoy. And lastly I have to give Marc(melev) his props, I have read threads and post by this Texan on the boards and he is the real deal my friends. I thought I had skills but he truly puts me to shame. I give him a tank that was built by the professional Gurus over at Socal creations, that I literaly crashed a truck into and he was able to breathe life back into a tank that had lost it's lustre and soul. I am sadden to loose all of my friends that I have met and shared the love for this hobby with. But am glad to someone that is truly a master of acrylic and a nut for anything saltwater like myself. I look forward to meeting the others of DFWMAS and will always remember the memories shared with my real home.... SoCal!!!!
I will post updates when I start to rebuild all over, and by the way my fish all lived, and will be livbing in my revamped sump.
Take care,
Brent Higa

It's horrible to hear how the move went. :( You did an amazing job prepping and packing everything, it was just a streak of awfully bad luck.

At least there were reefers with open arms at the other end ready to help, and all your finned friends survived.
Well, you are supported 100% in two states. I can guarantee that!!


Glad to see you are online.
Hey Brent, bring your tank over. Let's fix it. Of course, you'll need to water test it over in your new house, not mine. :lol: :D

Nice job documenting the move via pictures! I love how you separated the corals in bins with eggcrate. Had that stupid incident with the hitch not occured, I think your move would have been fine. That truly was the only 'hitch' in the move. :rolleyes:

I called Servo tonight to take a few corals and put them in his in-wall 400g, so he's going to come over in the morning (well, in 7.5 hours) to help. We're both going to try to keep them alive so that when you're ready, we can get them back to you, either in part or in their entirety. Ryan's going to be bringing back a bunch of frags from Chicago (around IMAC time), and I think he's going to hook you up with some stuff to get you going again. I'd like to give you a few pieces myself.

After you left tonight, I couldn't believe the size of those pieces you brought. The water was kinda cool, so I just moved them right into my sump. Fortunately, they didn't slough anything, so I'm hoping later today they'll get under some decent lights (my reef as well as Ryan's) so they'll hang in there. They've been through a lot the past few days...
1st off i am sorry to hear about your troubles!! but i am glad you and your family made it safe...the main thing. i admire you upbeat attitude through this also

luck you live close to marc sounds like the Texan has helped a ton already. and if you ever need some stripping you know hwere to go :lol:

i LOVE that cooler idea w/ the individual cups and eggcrate over top...awesome idea! might have to use that idea when i move sometime. where those yoru whole colonies or just the sized pieces you wanted to save??

keep us posted on how things go
keep you head up
Hey Brent..Glad you and your Pops are OK.Too bad about the bumps along the road,couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Best of luck in Texas.
Hey Brent,

Welcome to Texas. As someone who has now been here for 14 months, you will soon feel very welcome and will meet alot of great people in the club.

I have some of your corals. LMK when you are ready to take them back. I'll have tons of frags for you as well.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6879022#post6879022 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Lunchbucket
i LOVE that cooler idea w/ the individual cups and eggcrate over top...awesome idea! might have to use that idea when i move sometime. where those yoru whole colonies or just the sized pieces you wanted to save??

Brent, I am very sorry to hear about your move, wish it would have went better for you...

I agree with Lunchbucket, the cooler Idea was a very cool idea...