Getting started with new in wall


Well, it has been along time in the making but we are finally underway. The tank will be an in wall and the house is just finishing the frame stage. The tank will be 72X30X30 with a low iron front, eurobraced and external overflows (built onto the back).

I have spoke to Miracles on a few occations. What other glass tank builders are there? I currently have a 130 gal. Oceanic RR, but I think that would not be my source for a custom tank.

I am also torn between closed loop or tunze. I know that there is allot of discussion on this and it is mainly personal prefference, but any recomendations are welcome.

Here is my 180 From Miracles In Glass.. I'm very happy with it.. Its the the External overflow and Eurobracing.. I also have Starfire glass on the front and sides.. I went with a OM 8way closed loop.. Much better then Powerhead IMO.. Heck most people that look at the tank dont even knotice the outlets.. I always have to point them out. BTW reguardless of what any builder says..It seems to take about 2 months to get a custom tank. So be sure to keep that in mind. HTH



Thanks for the input. I have certainly been pleased with my conversations with them and have heard only good things about there product. It just seems that there are not many options when it comes to glass tank builders.

Do you have 10 holes in the back of your tank? If so, I would assume 2 for intake and the rest returns from the 8-way? What pump are you running?
They did a great job. I really looked around when I got my tank.. They just seemed to be able to do exactly what I wanted.. I really wanted the black silicone, External overflow the eurobracing and the starfire.. So anytime I called someone that was the first few things I asked.. Seemed like most of them had a problem with something.. some didnt' use black silicone.. Some didn't even know what an external overflow was lol..

As far as the closed loop.. Here is the picture I gave them for the hole layout.. I'm using a Sequence Dart right now. But I just got a Barracuda that I plan on swaping it out with.. The dart gives me pretty good flow.. I"m setting up a 92 Gallon so I'm going to move the dart to that tank and use the Barracuda on the 180

Aquarium Obsessed is also a an option and the quality is right on par with Miracles. They are now a sponsor on RC and have their own forum and will readily answer any questions. I had a 350 gallon built 72" x 40"x 28" closed loop, external overflow, black silicone, eurobraced, starphire, etc Here is a pic:

And here is one inwall just after adding the sand:

and here is a linkto their forum:

Both copanies are great so good luck in your decision.

Thanks for the input, I will give them a call also. Dumb question probably, but what is the advantage of black silicone?
It's not an advantage necessarily it is an aesthetic issue in that most like the look of it better. There also may be a manufacture issue with how the seams are glued. I remember them saying that this new type of black silicone is easier to work with.
I had assumed it was an apprearance thing. Is the black silicone used on all of the seams including the front?
Yes it is but if you are building an inwall you will not really see any seams anyways. Looking at mine I only see the back panel side seams and the external overflow seams. I think there was little to no difference in price so I went with black silicone. The only thing I would have done differently is have the overflow blacked out somehow. I plan on putting a piece of black acrylic inside so youy do not see the pipes. If you go with an external overflow I would ask for the tinted glass in the overflow. This feature may not even be a factor depending on your aquascaping plans however.

Also remember the sides do not need to be painted since they act as a mirror when viewed from an inwall position (something I did not realize before it arrived so it worked out well that I did not have the sides painted).
Okay, getting closer to needing to order the tank. I know it is very subjective, but I need some help trying to decide between closed loop or Tunze....please help!

If I go closed loop, it will probably be OM 8-way and appropriate sized pump...maybe a Dart.

If Tunze, TS24 kit followed later by Wavebox.

Any input?
With the size tank you are talking about I would go with 2 darts (preferred)or 1 barracuda if you are going to be keeping SPS. The only major drawback to the CL is the electrical cost down the road. Drawbacks to the tunze are up front costs and big powerhead in the tank. I actually use three types, 2 darts CL, penductor returns with HP GEN-x pump and one 6100 tunze (had it from before upgrade). The flow is real nice!