GHL Direct Changes


New member
We would like to announce a significant change to how the GHL Direct web site will be run from now on. But first some background.

GHL Direct was set up under the acceptance of GHL GmbH to provide an "always in stock" avenue for GHL products when the USA market was being hit hardest in the last 18 months. Dealers simply did not have the investment to meet the growing user base of profiLux.

So with the "logisitcal" help of Progressive reef GHL Direct was set up.

However times have now changed, GHL have an increasing number of stock holding dealers in the USA such as Aqua Cave, Kent Pet supply, Fish and other itchy stuff, and not forgetting Berkel tropical. There are other less stock holding dealers of course. So to this effect Aqua Digital Inc is releasing all hold of GHL Direct and it will now be run fully owned and operated by Progressive Reef as their dedicated product web site for the GHL range they sell.

In reality you will see no changes what so ever, it just gives us more time now to focus on the long term goals in having multiple GHL dealers that hold correct stock levels to service your needs within the USA, and these dealers do not need to feel they are competing against direct sales.

Progressive reef now have their own forum on Reef Central and of course Aqua Cave have done for some time now. We also have another dealer coming online shortly that also is already an RC sponsor (based in NY ;) )

I am sure you all will continue to support all our dealers equally, and we look forward to announcing more in the fall.
I think you will find that if anything, service levels will improve. With Progressive Reef managing the GHL Direct site it puts all of our support for GHL product in the hands of experienced techies such as myself. I will be able to field GHL questions now via Progressive Reefs Toll free number, or from a multitude of E-mail support options.

I'm looking forward to serving the GHL crowd even more!
I love GHL-Direct as a supplier for the Profilux products. A couple of questions I have:

(1) Is there a reason why the shipping charges tend to be somewhat expensive, it was $25 to ship the new Vortech module to the U.S. via UPS. That is about twice what I would expect from UPS normally for ground shipping of a small box.

(2) Is there any way you can setup a payment entity in the United States? Almost all U.S. credit cards and banks are hitting customers with a fee of several percentage points of the charge for any charge that originates outside the United States - including Canada. This adds a sizable surcharge on top of the advertised price when the credit card bill arrives.

Thanks. I have not seen any U.S. vendor with a good online site that sells the complete line of Profilux products like GHL-Direct.
Unfortunately Cross border charges for shipping are always a touch higher then domestic shipping rates. I have set the minimum weight for that item so it is the absolute minimum that UPS will charge for cross border shipping :-(

Postal delivery using Small Packet Surface is much cheaper, but will take longer.

I have heard a couple of reports now of the Bank surcharges for out of country purchases but unfortunately it is something beyond our control. The logistics of having a US based payment entity is something to look into, but to be honest its most likely not in the near future as we are already tied up with our own expansion, new website development and new store build.