GHL Doser 2 - cannot connect via LAN


Premium Member
I am able to connect via USB to my new GHL Doser 2, but when I try to set either WLAN or LAN connection, the GHL Control Center gives me an error saying "Can't find PROFILUX with (W)LAN Card!"

I can see my GHL Doser 2 on my LAN by looking at my router administrator webpage for active connections. So I do believe the Doser is connected to my LAN. I have tried both static IP and DHCP IP assignment with the same results. Do I have something configured incorrectly in the GHL Control Center software?
Thanks, but 245 versus 254 issue is related to the Smartphone APP and I'm not trying to use the Smartphone APP. I'm running the GHL Control Center software directly on my PC (Windows 7 64bit).
I've been working with a rep in Germany to resolve this same issue. So far no luck. Planning on having him remote in to fix it, probably Monday. Its a little tough to schedule with the time zone difference. Will let you know if we figure it out.
Thanks nezw0001. I was suspecting that I was not the only one. In fact I have 2 of the new Dosers and they're both displaying the same behavior. And I am running the latest GCC software and firmware that is available on the website as of today.

Good luck. And hope to hear from you soon.

it seems there is something wrong in the GCC, this message is only relevant for a Profilux, not for a doser, so it should not appear at all in the first place.

We will check it and provide a solution ASAP.
It'd be nice if I could even try and use my GHL doser 2. I have a Mac, iPhone and iPad. No software for either.
Sat in my cabinet, rigged up and switched off.
Sorry for the thread hijack.
You have to create a new connection for the LAN connection and make sure you select the doser 2 option. Next in the host name field, put the local IP address of the doser 2. I did not have success with the AUTO option. My doser 2 is running great I have windows 7. My doser 2 is pulling a static ip. Let me know if this helps. I'm not with GHL I just love my doser 2 it has given me freedom something money can't buy.
iceet, Thank You!

My problem was trying to use the AUTO option instead of inputing the IP address. Once I input the IP Address, it connected. Hopefully this will we a viable workaround until the AUTO option is working.
They got me up and running via team viewer. Looks like I had some IP address wrong. Very helpful customer support!
how is the backplate on your doser? on mine, the power connection is verry lose, becaus the "hole" isent big enought for the power plug to be incerted fully into the power port, only the small metal pin has the ability be incerted, and there for the power plug can easly fall out? it seems they made the hole to little on my late, and if they had increased its diameter to 1cm it would be much more stable.
hello guys sorry to high jack but i have been having problems connecting..i bought the ghl doser 2. i cant connect mine thru wifi or thru the usb. i downloaded he software for windows 8.1 64 bit. thats what my laptop is.i plug the usb in it says installing device. it dissapears. nothing happens.i go to ghl control center tried doing with usb and wireless it tells me could not connect do you want to check the settings now.i go to device manager and it has a lock around the ghl doser 2,i click on it and it says The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

There are no compatible drivers for this device.

To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver.

so i click update driver search automatically for updated driver. then it says
windows have found driver but encountered error while attempting to install it..ghl virtual communications port the system cannot find the file specified... i emailed the tech support but yet not recieved a answer. if anyone can help me here that would be great thanks
Hi Guys

as I mentioned before all support is carried out firstly on (please create a log in for the forum) or for NON connectivity support email

For connectivity support please email the same address and we will set up a second level support case for you.

Please note technical can not be answered by the GHL team on reef central. Thanks for your understanding.
hello i been trying to but i created a account there but it will not let me post or start any treads. is there a place i can call in the usa because i got it connected but when i put all the dosing info in and save it will not dose anything thank you