Ghl Romote Control Via Internet


New member
hi i would like to share something i am trying with the GHL profilux II,
i have my system set up linked to my home computer via the profilux cable, and i have installed a program (freeware) called LogMeIn (onmy laptop and home computer)using it i can access my home computer from anywhere in the world via the internet and remotly control the profilux.
also i have set up a web cam which i can also remotely open and view my aquarium and sump,im going away for 10 days this friday and plan to use this to keep an eye on everything

Craig Wilcock
ok first the program

you need to sign to the free version,

I have been using this for 4 days at home conecting to my home PC via my laptop using WIFI over the internet (also tested from another location)
once logged in and i have control of my PC i can use the profilux control program and acces all its functions
for the webcam i just go the my computer file and open it up.
i have tested all the functions i would normaly access through profilux control with no problems

hehhe wow is that still kicking around...

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12861519#post12861519 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kidney514
or Timbuktu it's cross-platform also!
any service like the "log me in", they do the location and control all in one.

if you what to do it all by yourself, you will have to get a account with a dynamic DNS host like dyndns and then manage the port forwarding on your router and install/enable a remotye management application (all really easy if you know what to do... it's like anything else).


<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12861834#post12861834 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by deadmanh
which one is easiest for the dummy like me?
I guess you home pc has to be on? Or does it access via the home router?

I am guessing the first option is correct?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12862101#post12862101 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by boboxx
hehhe wow is that still kicking around...
Yup, been with timbuktu for a good 7 or 8 years.....
So as anybody else already tried what i am doing?
it looks like a some of you know how to do this, has anybody already experimented in this way with the profilux prior to my post?
i would like to hear from people who have tried this, i find that Log Me In is very easy to use for people who are not computer or software experts

Yep, tried RDP and logmein. Rdp requires router changes and dyndns or static ip address. I also found that RDP did not scale (display resolution) well on smartphones. Logmein no dyndns or router changes required and scaled very well on smartphones.
Yes Ken i know this type of program has been around for years but i am talking about using it with the profilux to check up and control from another location

A couple of photos showing screen capture of distant access of GHL control an tank and sump using 2 webcams, using Log Me In in full screen mode

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=12863721#post12863721 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by wilks
Yes Ken i know this type of program has been around for years but i am talking about using it with the profilux to check up and control from another location


No offense was intended. I was actually agreeing with you that these are great features.
Sorry Ken, maybe i could of put it better i was not trying to be ignorant, sorry if it came accross that way,
i was just digging to get feed back of anyone who had tested it in the same way
