Gigantea perc and yellow tang free to good home


New member
Hey all,
Need to get rid of these three, gig is about 8-10 in fully expanded, dark blue, very healthy, WILL EAT ANY FISH OTHER THAN CLOWN, free to a good home. Yellow tang is med 3-4in healthy active eats well, clown is captive bred true perc, if you could shoot a couple bucks for the fish it would be appreciated.


do you still have the yellow tang? I had one in the tank but am looking at getting a Sailfin as well and want to introduce these two together, the sailfin i am looking to get in a day or two, do you still have the tang?
Said as a precursor so no one came blaming me that they weren't warned when it ate their prized fish.

Sorry plum, they went fast on masc's forum, forgot to update here.

All items taken.