dimauro giovann
New member
Hi guys finally start my adventure. after 10 years of old bath was removed because I was forced silicone was no longer 'safe began to chipped. given the weight of the glass so I opted for an acrylic tub the size of 200-80 - seaplast by 75, with two wells each one with two rear exhaust 50. the flow is performed by two main entrances will be 25.la tank 'set up with a background reefkeramik, DSB and live rock. seaplast the acrylic sump always measures 115 - 80-50 Uina bulkhead height 23 cm. tecbnica to the presetero 'as they will be installed. frenc99 I have to thank for the help I gave reallizzare my project, I made drawings in 3d whenever I had a idea.grazie francis. I have to thank James, azazelxu for great ideas in the background. ciliaris for the many times I called, Nando for the right advice. I show you how was my old tub. let's start from here '.