Glad I found you guys!


New member
Wow! I got some fellow Reef hobbiest close to me! I don't know if I mised you guys or Alamo started a new forum. The reason I stopped posting on the forum about 1 year ago is because there was no one local. I was chating with people in Abq. they were the closest ones to chat with.
Anyhow, I'm from Mescalero/Ruidoso. I have a 60 gall. Reef that I'm stocking again, and a 45 gall. fish only, mainly for my spoiled juvenile Emperator Angel.
If anyone needs info. or advice hit me up. And if anyone wants to sell corals, let me know. :fish2:
Oh nice. We're still here, I think there's 3 of us now. I do go up to Ruidoso occasionally to disc golf with friends. I know there's a whole group for el paso/las cruces, dunno how close that is to you.

And welcome!
Stars forum is really good as well. They have alot of people. Puffin sells coral in las cruces, have bought from him a couple times. I have some pink zoas I will sell you for 10 bucks. Has about 15-20 polyps. Not that cool looking but =)
i have a couple nuclear holocaust palys heads, a few kenyas, some GSP, (actually a lot of gsp) and what i think are cauliflower frags that i'd be willing to sell come next month when i can get a shipment of dry goods in. need some plugs and clippers first.(:

If anyone wants some tank water with worlds most annoyingly-persistent coralline shavings, let me know.

I've also got rics that are in the process of splitting. they haven't split yet but when they do i'll be selling them.