You made it kinda hard to reply directly to your thoughts.
My salinity is spot on. My PH runs low, it always has in any tank I've ever run. It usually runs 7.9ish. For some reason I didn't think calcium and Kh were really parameters you were after. They are, cal 440, and the KH is 9. So, it looks like I'm just off in the NO3 and PO4. Which I've thought all along. Just not sure how to bring it back into balance. I asked you to join in on a thread about PO4 I had started a little while back. Please see post #119 on page 5 in this (your) thread. You never joined in, no worries though. When I dose phosphate, I don't get the results I want. The nitrates never went down and I get more cyano on the sand. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, IDK. I was dosing the seachem flourish phosphate.
If I leave the floss on there for to long, the power head starts blowing small bubbles into my tank. So I remove it, plus after about 24 hrs it's plugged up and slowing down the flow of the power head. It's just a small piece of floss. Only about 4" long wrapped around the strainer that the maxi jet comes with. The diameter is about the size of your finger.
I'll clean the skimmer cup tomorrow and shoot a quick video of how it's set. To much lower and I can fill half the cup in a day. Right now I go about 3 days and it's just over half full. That's when I clean it. Foam is blowing out the top by then to. HaHa.
The Vitamin C is something I just started. I figured it would make the vinegar more potent as vodka gives the tank real bad cyano. The Vit C has given the zoas more vibrant color. My mix is 175ml vinegar to 1/4 Tsp Vit-C powder. I've tried the VSV recipe also, of course the vodka in it gave bad cyano.
The food mix is just something I came up with to feed anything in the tank. Lol. I have a purple gorgonian, a feather duster tube worm, and I thought the green star polyps along with the big leather would maybe grab some of the mix. I mix 1/2 Tbs of phyto along with 1/2 Tbs R.O.E. to 1 cube of mysis, 1 cube spirulina brine, 1 cube size chunk of the cyclop-eeze, and 1 very small scoop of the reef pearls (maybe a 1/4 the size of a pea) about 1 oz total. Then, 6ml of this is fed to the tank. So this mix is fed over a few days. I just upped this to 6ml as I was feeding 4 1/2ml per day. I upped it to maybe get me somewhere with the nitrates. I also had to replace my wrasse as my yellow wrasse went carpet surfing. The new wrasse is a bit larger in size so I'm trying to please him to.
I have a power strip that has rotating on off outlets. It's the Natural Wave power strip. I quit using it after going through two sets of power heads in a year. I went through 3 maxi jets and 3 korallia pumps. I don't think all pumps can be cycled without reduced life span.
I really appreciate all your time and help. Please don't take any of my responses as come backs to your ideas. I'm not questioning you in any way. It's really hard to help someone on the other side of the big pond without all the facts. My last post was large enough.
My salinity is spot on. My PH runs low, it always has in any tank I've ever run. It usually runs 7.9ish. For some reason I didn't think calcium and Kh were really parameters you were after. They are, cal 440, and the KH is 9. So, it looks like I'm just off in the NO3 and PO4. Which I've thought all along. Just not sure how to bring it back into balance. I asked you to join in on a thread about PO4 I had started a little while back. Please see post #119 on page 5 in this (your) thread. You never joined in, no worries though. When I dose phosphate, I don't get the results I want. The nitrates never went down and I get more cyano on the sand. Maybe I'm doing something wrong, IDK. I was dosing the seachem flourish phosphate.
If I leave the floss on there for to long, the power head starts blowing small bubbles into my tank. So I remove it, plus after about 24 hrs it's plugged up and slowing down the flow of the power head. It's just a small piece of floss. Only about 4" long wrapped around the strainer that the maxi jet comes with. The diameter is about the size of your finger.
I'll clean the skimmer cup tomorrow and shoot a quick video of how it's set. To much lower and I can fill half the cup in a day. Right now I go about 3 days and it's just over half full. That's when I clean it. Foam is blowing out the top by then to. HaHa.
The Vitamin C is something I just started. I figured it would make the vinegar more potent as vodka gives the tank real bad cyano. The Vit C has given the zoas more vibrant color. My mix is 175ml vinegar to 1/4 Tsp Vit-C powder. I've tried the VSV recipe also, of course the vodka in it gave bad cyano.
The food mix is just something I came up with to feed anything in the tank. Lol. I have a purple gorgonian, a feather duster tube worm, and I thought the green star polyps along with the big leather would maybe grab some of the mix. I mix 1/2 Tbs of phyto along with 1/2 Tbs R.O.E. to 1 cube of mysis, 1 cube spirulina brine, 1 cube size chunk of the cyclop-eeze, and 1 very small scoop of the reef pearls (maybe a 1/4 the size of a pea) about 1 oz total. Then, 6ml of this is fed to the tank. So this mix is fed over a few days. I just upped this to 6ml as I was feeding 4 1/2ml per day. I upped it to maybe get me somewhere with the nitrates. I also had to replace my wrasse as my yellow wrasse went carpet surfing. The new wrasse is a bit larger in size so I'm trying to please him to.
I have a power strip that has rotating on off outlets. It's the Natural Wave power strip. I quit using it after going through two sets of power heads in a year. I went through 3 maxi jets and 3 korallia pumps. I don't think all pumps can be cycled without reduced life span.
I really appreciate all your time and help. Please don't take any of my responses as come backs to your ideas. I'm not questioning you in any way. It's really hard to help someone on the other side of the big pond without all the facts. My last post was large enough.