Any plans on allowing PMs through RC? I have a few questions for you.
Any plans on allowing PMs through RC? I have a few questions for you.
Nothing special .
I just bought additional 2 of these lasr friday for my NPS colomn.
Limaria Scraba
View attachment 302722
I believe RC blocked his PM's. They don't want him selling his method without being a sponsor. Trust me, I've got lots of questions for him.
I never had much luck with flame scallops.
On the other hand i don't like pm, because i don't like explaining myself over and over again.
In the dutch reefing community my way of working has been officialy accepted on 2 largest forums besides kz,triton and balling.
They have both arranged a subforum to support it.
The limara scaba don't last very long in most systems.
A friend have it for 1 year now, and another one have it for 8 months already.
Well managed Carbon dosing and bacteria feeding seems to be the clue to succes. I am setting up a new (smaller) system now to keep large amounth of NPS in a small tank.
Beside that i am going to take part in a larger experiment with "sustainable reefing with Tim Wijgerde and Micheal Laterveer. They are marine biologist who are doing a study on how to keep dendronepthy's and other NPS corals alive. They are trying to develop a protocol for these corals which i support, because it can benefit/enhance the hobby greatly.
Sure I can understand that. Yet, you can't fully discuss your method. Which I belive not to be right.
That sounds very interesting. I'd like to follow it if you have plans to document it. Maybe pics of the setup.
Hi GlennF
Absolutely amazing tank and great well done job. :thumbsup:
I would like to ask a question if this is OK with you. You say you do not do water changes but same time you referring to a new salt mix or new water. How does it work out? Do you actually do small WC or you just referring to mix of replacement elements? Thank you
Nice tank great job
Stepping away from the green eh? Haha.
They look great.:beer:
What will you feed it?