Gobie74's wide peninsula 200


New member
I've finally started to make some progress with a tank I've been planning for about a year now. It all started when I began playing with some moving boxes.


So the idea was to make a peninsula tank between my kitchen and living room. I had grown tired of the limitations of the 18" width of my current AGA 150 and wanted something wider. I had seen the Marineland wide tanks and knew I wanted something similar.

What I was going for was a wide shallow design with an open top so I could look in like it was a tide pool. I'd be reusing my AI LED lights and Vortech MP40Ws, but most everything else would be new since for a while I'd have both this tank and the 150 going. Once this is set up, I'll move the inhabitants of the 150 over to the new tank and take down the old tank and sell what I can of the remaining parts.

So the basic tank layout will look something like this...


The tank will be 72" long, 36" wide, and 22" tall. After taking out space for thickness of the tank, water level, and the overflow, I figure its about 200 gallons give or take. The tank will be made of acrylic to keep my costs down, and since I don't have kids or other pets, I don't have to worry about it getting scratched accidentally. ( I decided to go with acrylic after visiting InsaneClownFish and checking out his sweet tank ) In the picture above, the area to the left is a 6" overflow with two voids on each side of it. The voids will contain the dry side of my Vortech pumps. The overflow is being constructed of black acrylic and a two pieces of acrylic are being put on the side of the voids to prevent seeing in to increase the aesthetics.

So one of the first things I did was replace the existing carpeted floor with a laminate floor. The area the tank will be located is on a concrete slab so I didn't have to worry about the weight. I then did some electrical work on the wall the tank would be placed against. I didn't want to see cords, so I ran a line up to the top of the wall and put in a GFI plug. I knew i would need more than 2 plugs for the tank, so I added an additional outlet down low. Next to both of those I put in a blank, eventually I plan on running the AI control cord up through there since I don't want to see that either. The small shelf is for the power supply bricks. The hanging kit for the AI lights was also installed.


This past Saturday the stand was finished and delivered. I was constructed by a friend of a friend and he did an amazing job. I'll hope to provide more detail about it in the near future.


After the stand was delivered, I decided to use the old Lowe's boxes I had originally used to make the mockup to create a prototype of the sump. I'm still working on the idea, but 24" wide, 30" long with two 15"x15" areas for the skimmer and fuge, the rest as a resevoir and return area. I'm not sure if I want to go with a submersible pump or have the sump drilled for an external pump.


To wrap up the pictures for today, here's a gratuitous gear shot of the controller I bought for the tank.


The tank itself is under construction now and I expect to hear from the builder soon that its complete. At that point I plan on filling it partially and getting a cycle going in it while I build out the sump and get the rest of the equipment I'm going to need.

As much as I'm excited about finally getting this tank going, I dread the day when I finally have to move everything from my existing tank into this one :)
Congrats !!

This is going to be a nice build to follow :) Do you have an equipment list yet other than the PIII :bounce2: ??
Wow, this is gonna be gorgeous. I love the rimless pennisula. And i know what you mean with the 18" depth...its gets limiting fast. Can't wait to see it up and running.
Congrats !!

This is going to be a nice build to follow :) Do you have an equipment list yet other than the PIII :bounce2: ??

The only other piece of equipment I know for sure right now is an ATB 840 v1.5 which I've ordered recently.

For the time being, i'll move the Coralife Calcium Rx over until I decide what to do there. The Vortech MP40Ws on my 150 will definitely be moving over ( looking forward to the Profilux integration on those! )

The one thing I just don't know about, but have to decide on soon is my return pump. Just can't decide which way to go, any recommendations?
The tank has arrived...

With the protective sheets still on...

Different angle...

Naked tank. Don't mind the odd reflection, its not really there.

Lookin good


More info to come, right now I have to go back and wipe the drool off the floor :lolspin:
Sure, I'll be at the Frag Farmers Market most of the day tomorrow, but after that I'll try to post some more info and expand on my plans a little bit.
I had a little snag that slowed my progress down. The holes I had drilled for the bulkheads were the wrong size. Totally my fault. I told them 1 1/3" where i needed 1 1/2" and 1 2/3" where I needed 1 3/4". I don't know where I got the wrong numbers, I've scoured every web site I can think of and can't find them again. However, I can find plenty of sites with the correct numbers. I don't understand how I made the mistake. Anyway, Pat from MP came over and we routed the holes to the correct size.

Last Thursday my sister brought her kids over to get the requisite mermaid pictures seeing as how I don't have any 'mermaids' of my own.



Now that the bulkheads holes are correct, I started a leak test.


I let the tank fill up about an inch, no leaks around the bottom.

So then I added the sand, most of the water got sucked into the sand and I'm left with a messy mud pit.


I'll leave the RO/DI on for a while to fill it a few inches more and add some salt and start it cycling.

The skimmer I ordered shipped today, not sure when it will get there, but I made a little stand for it for inside the tank since I'll still be working on the sump and equipment section. I'll probably need the stand to be a bit higher.

Beautiful day out today here in CT as you might be able to tell by the open front door. So glad winter is over :celeb3:
That tank is coming along awesome. I wish I had that width in my tank. The aqua-scape possibilities are endless.
Looks awesome!

Is that a rimless acrylic? How thick is it?

It's 3/4" acrylic.

Its filled to about 100 gallons now. Going to leave it going overnight. I calculated about 50 gallons to go until the point where I want to stop to let the cycle start.

Can't see into it right now, its a giant sandstorm. I have an old canister filter stuffed with floss on it now to help remove some of the particulate that came in the sand.

I'll post some more pictures this weekend.
Tank is full to just below the overflow line. Not the greatest picture, I took it tonight so not much ambient light. Lots of weird reflections.


In the picture you can see a clear center brace that was made for the tank if needed. I don't think its really needed as there is very little deflection in the tank walls. I've found it a good place to rest stuff while I was adding sand and salt or checking chemistry.

I added some dry rocks to the tank which I had lying around hoping that they would start a cycle. I think there was little one but I'm reading zero for the big 3, but I'm not under the illusion that the tank is completely cycled. I have a long way to go anyway. I was going to try to get some pure ammonia to add to make sure the cycle is working.

The rock to the far left is where I'm thinking of setting up what I've been calling 'clam island'. Its a nice flat rock with some really good places to put some maximas or croceas.