Gobie74's wide peninsula 200

Nice Dave! Love the rock work! Now get that gen in and start rebuilding. :D LMK if you need any help with anything. I just bought a second gen as a back up to my first gen. lol Yes I'm a nut.
Man, sorry to read about the power issue. One of my bigger fears. Your tank looked awesome. You clearly have the skills and a fantastic build to move onto Gen 2 of your new tank.
Sorry to hear about the tank Dave. I am sure you will get it to an even better place than before. Let me know when you are ready and I will hook you up with some frags.
Just a quick update.

I'm waiting on a bacteria bloom to settle down before adding anything else to the tank. It seems the new rock has a lot of junk on it. There was a pretty big diatom bloom ( or something similar ) but that seems to have cleared up now. Skimmer is still pulling out some nasty stuff.

I've made some progress on the generator front, I found a vendor for a natural gas system that should cover the entire house and tanks needs.

I decided to go with Prodibio for my "bacteria needs". Added my first round of BioClean and BioOptim today. Also bought two pieces of live rock to help seed the tank. I don't know if they came in on the live rock or survived the crash, but I can see some copepod's on the glass so that's a good sign.

I start a new job on Monday, I've been out of work (my choice) for a week and a half so I'm taking it easy on the spending in general, so not a lot going on tank wise.

A few weeks ago I did buy a few cheap ($5) frags from some local reefers of some of the corals I had before that grew well for me. I can see growth in all four, so I know conditions are decent, but I'm still going to wait until a) the water clears up b) the generator is in place and c) the work and money situation has sorted itself out before I add any more animals. That doesn't mean I don't look at LiveAquaria all the time hovering over the buy button, I just never actually push it. :)
Well, my generator finally got delivered yesterday ( I'll try to post a pic later ). Its a GE 11KW. I had an electrician come take a look and the first thing he noticed was the transfer switch that was delivered with the gen is 200 Amp server and I have 100 Amp service. Sigh, gotta straighten that out. He's working up a quote for the work. And a plumber is also working up a quote to run the NG line to the generator. So almost there backup electricity wise.

As far as livestock goes, most of the frags I bought a while ago are doing ok. I think I overdosed some Prodibio and everything took a turn for the worse there for a little while. Getting better tho.

I'm still trying to bring the Mg down from before when I raised it for Briopsis control. It really takes a long time to get that level down :(

I'll try to post some pics later on too.
Ok, I can officially saw I'm back in...


So no more worries about power. The whole house is now in standby. Baring an earthquake that severs the gas line, I'm good to go :dance:
So glad to see you back in. This tank has a lot in common with my new build and I've often looked to it for ideas. The gen set is a good idea...I'm putting one in my new house to handle any situation like you encountered.

So what issues were you having with the Marco rock?