I will vote totally against red slime remover!
I certainly seen tanks after w/o problems but recently saw a complete disaster after- killing 90% of thriving acros just a heads up.
How many times u r turning your tank over- more importantly what's your fish stcoking and skimmer.Cyano seems to be a problem with immature systems- it may not be your problem after a year but certainly could be.
CB is ubiquitous (meaning it is always present in trace amounts) and opportunistic; it only becomes a problem when stress conditions exist in the tank. Some common stressors include:
1.cycling a new tank.
2.moving a tank.
3.major aquascaping or disturbance of the sandbed.
4.overfeeding (high nutrient loads can be a stressor as well as fuel for CB).
5.decaying fish or corals.
6.low/no flow water zones.
7.poor filter/sandbed maintenance.
8.sudden large water changes after periods of no water changes.
10.spikes or drops in water temps (often showing up days or weeks after a power failure). It is not the highs or lows as much as the fluctuation between them.
11.low oxygenation (again showing up down the road from a power failure that stopped circulation pumps).
First, eliminate the stressors. You may treat and retreat without long term success until you do- RSR will quickly kill all the CB in your tank but it will also wreak havoc on your beneficial bacteria,
Be patient. If you correct the stressors it will diminish over time