Good Halides?


Active member
I was just wondering if anyone can recommend some good, fairly inexpensive MH fixtures, ballasts, and bulbs for my 55g. I used the search but did not find the info I wanted. I'm looking for brand names or links if you got 'em.

I'm not sure what I would be best. I'd like to use my PC's too as supplement so I might build a new canopy to hold it all or I might just go with a complete fixture.
i just ordered my MH from Hellolights, i jave not received them yet but the service was good, i am scheduled to receive them on the 19th
newbie are usually tempted with power compacts but my experiences is, stay away from them.... 4 yrs with pc and now 1 year with mh, what a big differences PAR growth on my tank inhabitants.

"cheap" metal halides doesn't always seem to go together but if 7 out of 10 people say it is worth it, might want to trust on ppl experiences. =) my 0.02.
Thanks for the input everyone. I've got a few good ideas to consider now. How long have ya'll been running your MH form hello lights?

I know that in reefing as in life, cheap is never the best answer but quality products are sometimes overpriced due to the hype. Think Nike etc. I'm just trying to find a good balance. I've been running my PCs for over 4 yrs now with great success (including some acros and other sps) but want to bump it up a bit.

An in my opinion good service is worth something in todays world. Call me old fashioned, bu I'll pay extra if I like the service and people on the other end.

Thanks again,
I've had good luck with the Hellolights retro kit. Using their electronic ballasts with 250w SE Ushio 10Ks with the 2 96 watt VHO. These have been in use for about 8 months now.

Word of caution. If you go with VHO supplements, watch the length. 48" can be a bit too long on a standard 55. Those 46.5" lengths were perfect for my needs.
Hamilton lights look good but a little bit more $ than Hello lights. Seems like there are a bunch of good reviews for both. Any clue on hamilton light specials?

So what is the difference between elctronic or magnetic ballasts. Sorry if its a stupid question I'm still doing a search.

Obybobie or anyone else...what is PFO?
If you have a standard 55 (about 12" wide) you'll find it very difficult to fit halides with a decent reflector and your PC bulbs inside any canopy.
Another vote for the Ocean Encounter retro kits. I added two of them to my tank a few weeks ago and I have eben very pleased. On top of that the ballasts are tiny compared to the magnetic ballasts that everyone else seems to use at that price point. $160 complete for each fixture is a good price and they seem like a great company to deal with.

Being a newbie to MH I had a few questions and their customer service was excellent.