I want to start keeping some LE zoos/palys, but am wondering what types are less likely to melt on me and which will be good investments? I like Rastas, udder chaos, Gobstoppers, and some of the hornets. Are these ones that are worth trying or do they have a good history of melting?
I have some pink zippers, whammin watermelons, nuke greens, purple deaths, radioactive dragon eyes, pink panthers, and some mint chocolate chips that are doing well. I didn have a weak frag of bam bams that I tried to rescue but those melted away.
I dont beleive that any of those polyps on your list are "LE" at all. Some are, or should I say can be, a bit expensive, but all, today, are very very common. The label LE is just a label- used to further increase the profitability/marketability of a polyp. Word to the wise- Dont fall for this. Take your time and find the polyps you seek, and you are bound to find all of these for a decent price, if you are dilligent with a little luck tossed in.
Rastas are great! I have kept them in a few different tank systems and have done well in each. If I wanted/liked really small polyps, I would keep this without a second thought.
Gobstoppers are great polyps also, and can be found inexpensive easily. Just take care they are gobstoppers, if that is exactly what you seek. They are very very similar to a few other polyps out there. In my experience, they preffer cleaner water than many polyps, to grow and keep color and not dwindle away and dissapear.
The hornets, as long as you read up on what they like/need to keep them happy are great choices too, although again- they are very tiny polyps also. Kinda hard to appreciate somtimes, at least in my opinion. Somtimes pics make so many of these small polyp look so good, but when you get them it blows your mind! Just a heads up, in case you didnt know. They do grow and spread VERY well in the right conditions though!
Hope this answers your question, as far as which polyps will do well, and have a lesser likelyhood of melting on you. If you are wondering about any other polyps in particular, just ask. Lumping them under the comercial term "LE" makes it hard to figure out which others you are interested in.
To further help in your original question, heres a small list of some you might not want to waste your hard earned money on, not saying they cant be kept, but that unless the tank conditions arent just right, melting is likely-
valentines day massacre
yellow jackets
And many others that I am sure more folks will chime in about. Hope this info helps!