Good News/Bad News


New member
Well I have some good news and some bad news.

The good news is I'm leaving my current job at Petco and getting hired (ugh working on paperwork)as an aquatics field specialist for united pet group (old name was tetra tech.) So i'll be dealing with tetra, marineland, jungle lab, perfecto, and something else product wise. Pretty good gig that pays well and has me traveling a bit. (And a whole lot of interesting benefits- I don't ever have to pay for livestock again...where do I sign up?!)

The bad news is my area will be from MD/VA (im moving to baltimore area) so making del. reef club meetings will be a bit tough. :( Hopefully I will still hopefully be able to do some meetings and I will definitely keep an ear out for you guys for items for raffles/donations or anything special the company may offer clubs in the way of free/discounted stuff. :D
Hey Martin,

Glad to hear you landed the job. something a bit more interesting in your field and you get to travel around and talk all day about your favorite subjects all the time . I'll bet you will be pretty good at it too. best of luck!!

while you are over there you can check out the half a dozen or so reef clubs in the two states. they are listed on the Reef Central club forums list. richmond, roanoke, DC, and CMAS in Baltimore.
plus a couple others i think. And yup, we can always use some more sponsors. that would be great!!!

so take care, have a good time with the new job and keep in touch here on the forum. you are always welcome at the meetings and things.


Sounds like a fun job! Keep us in mind if you're ever traveling in the area... but Ken's right, there are some very large reef clubs down that way, we're definitely small peanuts in comparison.
It's been nice having you on the forum, Good Luck!
Awww tanks for the best wishes guys. Tbor nothing wrong with "small peanuts" at all. I was happy to meet some of you guys already. But I won't be living too far away so hopefully I will still be bumming around hearing all interesting tips and tricks you guys have employed in the past/present...future?

BTW blackeyedcat and kaptken the frags you guys gave me are doing alright :D Thanks a ton!

Check out I use to belong to this reef club and they are based in Baltimore. There are alot of great guys and gals in this club. There are some real hard core hobbiest with lots of wisdom and experience. Good luck.
Congratulations Martin!!!

An old friend of mine (Jack) from 'Pet's Emporium', is still employed by them as far as I know. Maybe you'll run into him at some point in your travels? He's from Newark so you can reminesce too lol.

Best of luck in your new job and adventure. It's good to see some local talent that will have an impact :).