Got Blue Ric PICS? I think I got hosed.


New member
I just spent an enormous amount of money for "blue rics" on a 7x7 piece of LR that are more grey than blue in my opinion, but I'm wondering if my expectations are off. What I am certain of is that the photo was highly misleading. The rics I got are greyish with a hint of purple and the mouths are green. Anyways, I'd love to see pictures of YOUR blue rics as a means of comparison plus I'd love to know what YOU are doing to maintain that coloration.

Thanks to all who help out.

All my blues went RIP with a tank crash, but here are some pictures.




When I first got them to now. I'd actually won a purple in the auction, but the lady couldn't find it so she sent me these instead(hey, the winning bid was half the price of these guys, can't complain. I love blues :) was going to bid on some if they hadn't been more expensive)so I can't comment on the picture.

The ones sea life florida(one of the best ricordea sellers imo) has them ranging from with Purple mouth_500_500.jpg to
Blue corals can be very tricky with certain light bulbs. I am running 175 XM 10k's on one of my tanks and greens and blues look terrible under them compared to my T5 setup.
I cant wait to change bulbs in that tank.


Problem is I compare everything to my tort which is really blue. I'm on the road right now so can't get a good pic, but they look exactly like those shown by Travis:


I guess I'll do my best and see what happens. Its not that they aren't beautiful; its just that I was expecting blue like my Oregon Tort :D

I had the similar problem. I bought some that were blue when I go them and slowly turned grayish when I had them under VHOs. Now the blue is coming back since I added MHs. HTH
I have had blues come in gray colored and had them color up....I have also had them just stay gray as well. I had some I bought at a LFS that were gray and turned grape purple.....Wasn't expecting that kinda color change....

Here are some pics of blues....



Grayish blue that turned purple....

Thanks.....I haven't had to many of them change or morph in color but some of the blues do seem to morph a bit nothing as drastic as the grey one that turned purple. I was kinda shocked but it really.....It took about 4-5 weeks if I remember correctly, since the change in color it has reproduced 3 new polyps for a total of 5 and of course I traded a few for others I didn't have.
Azurel you have some gorgeous ric's! Hopefully one of these days i will have a collection like that.. Hope you don't mind if i jump in on your thread JP but what kind of light do everyone have on theirs?. I have a 46 gallon bowfront i would love to have covered w/ric's and a few softies so I ordered a bunch of rics of various colors for this tank with power compacts but the colors are not as colorful as i was expecting but they are opened up really nice.

do you think they would color up more in my large tank w/vho's or if i place them high under my pc's would i get the same result?
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I have agree with Azruel on the different colors of blue some are light, dark, and multi color. I've also found T5 actinic's really bring out the colors of ric's and give them a more full look.

Normal Blue - (Located Bottom Right)

Multi Blue
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Looks like I'm o.k.

Looks like I'm o.k.

Well after looking over everyone's pictures, I'm thinking what I have is "blue rics" after all. I tried to take some photos today. No where near as what you guys have put up, but atleast everyone can see what I'm talkin' about . . . and no worries about hijackin' the thread; I'm just happy to have so much input. I'll leave my rics under 10k MH for awhile and see what happens.

Thanks guys for sharing the fantastic rics!


20k lighting.

20k lighting.

Yeah, I realize now its all about the lighting in terms of how they look. The second picture above (which I would consider closest to how it looks in "real life") I took with my 10ks on and that looks nothing like this one I took with just a 20k bulb on. My guess is the picture I saw when I purchased this rock was taken under pure 20k which I believe is fairly standard practice. Its just amazing how different they look in photos depending on the light bulb, and how different photos look from the real thing. The difference is not nearly so dramatic in person when I switch from 10k to 20k lighting.


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