Premium Member
Hey every one.
I got my mantis today from FF express. It's a female peacock. Nice animal about 5" Seems very friendly compaired to my G.chiragra. FFexpress did a nice packing job. Fed x was a pain with them saying I wasn't home the first attempt at delivery. Good thing I followed the tracking on line. After a few calls, a drive to the fed x office and a second delivery attempt I got the bug. Turns out they went to the wrong adress the first time. Idiots!
I got my mantis today from FF express. It's a female peacock. Nice animal about 5" Seems very friendly compaired to my G.chiragra. FFexpress did a nice packing job. Fed x was a pain with them saying I wasn't home the first attempt at delivery. Good thing I followed the tracking on line. After a few calls, a drive to the fed x office and a second delivery attempt I got the bug. Turns out they went to the wrong adress the first time. Idiots!