Got serial to USB adapter at radio shack and I cannot download data from ACIII


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Well the subject line says it all. My laptop does not have a serial port so I cannot connect to the ACIII to download my data. I went thru the instructions about 4 times and I don't know whats going on. Anybody have any input on this??
Did you install some type of port redirector??? I would call the part's tech support for that. Unfortunately it is not something everybody uses so help might be very scarce.

On the AC3 or AC3PRO the serial port connection to your PC is not supported. You must use Ethernet to connect the AC3 to your PC.

Not sure if you really meant that your computer does not have an ethernet port so you had to buy an ethernet-to-USB adapter.

If so, you must have a pretty old laptop.

Eitherway, even if you use an USB to Ethernet adapter, you still need to use some type of port redirector on your computer.

Aquanotes will not let you get info from the USB port so you need to find a way to fool Aquanotes into thinking that a USB port is an ethernet port. For this, you would need some type of port redirector. A program that can emmulate an ethernet connection and route it to your USB port for communication.

Not an easy installation if you ask me but it can be done.

Every USB to RS232 Serial adapter I've seen has a device driver so that when installed on a Windows PC it looks like another Com port. AquaNotes can then use then USB based Com port exactly like a built in serial port.


My Dell Lattitude does not have the serial port. Only has firewire and USB. So how then can I download my data off my ACIII to an excell spreadsheet or into aquanotes?

The directions say to use the serial port btw.. So thats no good?

I can telnet to my aquacontroller and can show current and other stuff but how can I download the data?

The directions are wrong as we removed support for the serial port. Issue the 'd' command when you telnet into the controller. You can then copy and paste that into a spreadsheet.

Or you can download the Lite version of AquaNotes, and download the datalogs into it database.
