Great Fish Store out Kadena's Gate 1

you can get something similar to weld-on 40 at makeman.. but it is a very small bottle for a very high price (like $7).
yeah, i went to naval kadena and took a look yesterday. the thickest stuff they have is 5mm sheets of acrylic
Acrylic is expensive unless you get it used. Have you looked at DRMO (Gov stuff they are throwing out?) I've seen a lot of companies in the past make signs out of acrylic and then just junk it. You might be able to get something from the pile that is free of chemicals and cheap. Just a thought.
Lionel, I'm interested in getting the water from you this weekend. I left my phone number in the last PM. Not sure if you got it. Feel free to give me a call.
Hey Lionel, I just put those zoos and mushrooms in my tank, they look really good. I will probably get with you tomorrow once I find something to do with this chaeto so I can get some RO and give your tupperware back!
hey I have a bunch of acrylic sheet if you guys dont mind mildly scratched stuff for sumps.
I go to that store all the time, they have the best coral IMO, bought a small mushroom for 600 yen
what thickness acrylic?? I've been wanting to get some more to work with, but the price is pretty steep here. I want to build a shallow, but large frag tank.
You were talking about glues a big back. I bought some japanese stuff, no idea really anything about it but it really seems like weld-on 3 because it dries so darn fast. I am wondering what exactly you guys are using, and if you are using weld on 4 and buying online somewhere in the states and getting it shipped, which company do you use. I am having a hard time finding the stuff, I got all the acrylic to build my sump today, but no good solvent.
I'm starting up a new tank, would you guys rely on this store's water to be reliable enough for this purpose? I'm waiting on an RO/DI unit to get here but I'd like to get the tank up and cycling ASAP.
I use the fish ladies's water about a quarter of the time and have had no problems whatsoever. If you need some RO water I would be happy to let you get however much you need from my unit.

Thanks! I would really appreciate it. I need about 30 gal total for my system, not too much. Trying to match up flow rates right now to avoid flooding my room.

BTW I have used their water in the past but I've always had problems with algae eventually. I'm in no way blaming the water though, just wondering about other's experiences.
Sublime, you are matching flow rates to avoid flooding? that SOUNDS dangerous, sounds like in a power outage, or dirty return line, you will have a flood. Please post the build that you have going on. I'd love to see it.
Yes I'm matching flow rates. I have siphon holes built into both lines and the return pump in the sump is very close to the surface. In the event the flow into the sump stops I'll probably burn up the pump but at least it won't flood. I need to get a float switch for that pump actually. The pumps are also hooked into a heavy duty UPS in case of power outage.

It's still in the very beginning stages of this setup and I might scrap the sump idea altogether if it turns out to be too risky. I ran it all day today with fresh water to get the flow rates matched and it's pretty near perfect. The sump will only be filled to 3/4's max to further guard against overflow. Hopefully I can get some RO water and live sand in the next couple days and get this show on the road. :)

BTW any good places to find 5 gallon containers for cheap? The best ones I saw tonight were the 20 liter jobs at makemon and sakumoto for 10 dollars each. Trying the fishing stores tomorrow.
Like 5 gallon buckets? I just picked up some from Eagle Hardware for some "projects around the house", if you live in housing you can get some there.