Great Fish Store out Kadena's Gate 1

Yeah something with a decent capacity and a lid is what I'm looking for. I live off base and a civilian so no "home improvement" projects for me, heheh.

Is it against the rules to place WTB ads in here? I am in need of a power head or two and some chaeto.
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I can give you some chaeto, Lionel hooked me up so I can pay it forward. What kind of power head do you need? They sell those marineland 660s at the PX/BX, I run 3 in my tank and they do ok. They are like $17.00 I think.
I got all my 25g containers in the states before I came over here, but I am sure the Monkey Store (Makaman) has some containers. Give me a call whenever you need the water and I will have 50g of RO/DI waiting for you. 090-1947-9875

Nope, no rules about putting WTB or selling ads in the club forums. Do you have an external overflow? If so which one is it? I am trying to understand the worry you have. From the sounds of it you should be ok, the only BIG worry with external overflows (for me anways) is when the power goes out for 30 seconds or more, the comes back on. If you loose the siphon of the external overflow and your pump comes on, that's when you have a little flood usually. With your pump high in the sump that's good to prevent the flooding, and you also have the backup power, so that should run the pump and keep the siphon going. Other than that as long as you check the overflows and remove the air from the tubes every few days or a week, they work pretty good. If you don't have an ATO and the pump is too high in the sump you will eventually burn it out, everyone forgets to add water for a day or 2. With an ATO everything should be fine for you. Without an ATO you might want to consider your options of lowering the pump where if you forget to top of for say 3 or 4 days you will be OK.