It's about $100 for 50# of base rock. I love it because I can get some "show peices" much cheaper as base rock. And they let you hand pick it pretty much by pictures.
Anyways, where did you get your sand. That's called "taihitian blend" right?
I forgot to mention the sand. I have two kinds of sand in the tank. One is the CaribSea Seaflor Special Grade Reef Sand (grain size approx 1-2mm) and this is mixed with some SeaChem Tidal Marine Calcite Gray Coast Calcite
****Note: You do not want to purchase Tahitian Moon sand because it is not Aragonite based. You need the substrate in the tank to buffer the tank pH to around 8.3 and add Ca and/or Alk to the water if the tanks water parameters are falling out of spec. So if you want to have a Black or Dark sand I would only recommend the Calcite based dark sand that comes from SeaChem (which is a good manuf of quality products).
thanks for the info! I am probably going to go with carbisea pink fiji which is carbonate I'm pretty sure and then seed it with live sand from bills reef and some other local reefers tanks.
The only thing I'm concerned about is if I go with the pink carbonate it's not a very fine sand and I have read you want a mix, but you want alot of tiny particles.
Thanks, they just don't seem too small. But thanks for the advice. I think I'm gonna go with mostly fiji pink. I'm upgrading to a 120, and if mine are half as good as your's I'll be happy.
Hey .... thank you. I wanted to create lots of open areas and pass throughs for the fish to swim and hide. There are several more open areas that are difficult to photograph that can be seen from the sides that connect behind the structure.
I have two electrical ties holding the center two rocks together that form the peak in the top middle of the tank.
An interesting note ... the "free" tag-a-long encrusting coral that is in the center of the tank has stopped RTNing. It was peeling back and wasting away each day for about two weeks and it has seemed to stop. It is looking fine now and I think that it may pull through. It is not colorful at all (just a very plain tan to brown color) but I really hope that it stays!
I will have to update it and the LR with some new photos.
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