Went yesterday and was surprised to see Bernard as I knew him from Fishes of Eden and really was sad to see him go. Glad I found him again and talked with him for about an hour. Really nice guy and has nice stuff.
For Fish they had a ton and were well priced. Had a huge special on yellow tangs and had well over 100 of them. For tangs they had yellow, scopas, blue, kole and even a Chevron. Had a some nice dwarf angels, mystery wrasse, Midas blenny, sunburst anthias, spotted mandarins and much more. So when Pankake said "eveythin" he wasn't far off. Definitely the place for Fish and after talking with him yesterday, he mentioned expanding more on the coral end. There's enough coral now to keep you satisfied but if he adds more they will be my go to place in Broward.