Great Underground LFS in Sunrise!! MUST CHECK THESE GUYS OUT!!!

This place is one of my regular haunts. I picked up a large purple tang about 6 weeks back and he is doing great. Last week I got a copperband that is thriving in my tank so far. He told me about the large shipment of purples that are due in the next few days. There should be a few nice sized ones and several smaller ones like most of the other lfs's get in.

I am currently waiting for him to get a shipment of achilles tangs in. Hopefully in the next few weeks.
you must have been the guy who was there when i was getting my baby clowns. yeah he is a great guy, helped me with my in ablility to read a test kit correctly. he had a nice set of the platinum clowns for cheap.

Oh came in with your wife right? Good deal! Yeah he built me that sump that was by the front door. We're going to install it soon and I'll be picking up a blonde naso also. How are those clowns working out for ya?
This place is one of my regular haunts. I picked up a large purple tang about 6 weeks back and he is doing great. Last week I got a copperband that is thriving in my tank so far. He told me about the large shipment of purples that are due in the next few days. There should be a few nice sized ones and several smaller ones like most of the other lfs's get in.

I am currently waiting for him to get a shipment of achilles tangs in. Hopefully in the next few weeks.

Oh're going to give an achilles tang a go. Good luck to you with that. I love them but they're a pain to keep unless you have a very large tank with no history of disease.
My purple tang I got from him is doing fact every fish I got from him is thriving.
Hey if it works out for ya I'd like to see some pics! :)

Oh came in with your wife right? Good deal! Yeah he built me that sump that was by the front door. We're going to install it soon and I'll be picking up a blonde naso also. How are those clowns working out for ya?

yeah that was us, tho she isnt my wife yet... lol to young for that. The clowns are doing nice but she is mad that they dont go into our RBTA yet lol. they seem to have paired with a chromie tho as the 3 are always together.
Lol...gotta teach her patience. I'm in his warehouse every 2 weeks. Just picked up a Naso and a Chevron Tang for an awesome price. Well...I also left with a brittle star, 20 Nassarius snails, 6 peppermint shrimp, 2 fighting conchs, and 6 porcelain crabs. lol
Lol...gotta teach her patience. I'm in his warehouse every 2 weeks. Just picked up a Naso and a Chevron Tang for an awesome price. Well...I also left with a brittle star, 20 Nassarius snails, 6 peppermint shrimp, 2 fighting conchs, and 6 porcelain crabs. lol

And a partridge in a pair treeeeeeee.
Thanks for posting this. I just looked up their Facebook page and contacted them with some questions, in which they replied very quickly, which is nice. The mechanic I take my car to is like 1-2 minutes from this place so I know the area. May swing by there one day just to look since I don't have a saltwater tank as of yet.
unless its cause ie been there for a few times they basically said come over when ever if they are there u can shop. want to say monday and friday they are not there rest of the time they suggest you call ahead to make sure they are there.
they're there quite often.. just gotta call. they get shipments in during the week but usually don't work on Fridays
They're having a sale this weekend from 12-6 Sat and Sun... this is one of the times you want to check it out. I'm def going he always has good deals on everything. Gonna pick some zoas and maybe some lps.