Green hair algae why do people hate it and whats the harm of having it

I liked the look of GHA in my tank at first. I like a "dirty" tank. It got way out of hand though and now I am fighting it. The biggest bummer was when it started growing on my sand bed. Also, I am trying to keep nice looking macro algae now and it is competing with them.
Back in the day we ran a 30 long with no sump and a Penguin filter, firefish, a few crabs and snails, and a lot of hair algae. Great little tank, no real problems. We set it up originally as I recall just to serve as a snail factory for our 100 gallon reef, but we had a firefish that kept landing in the sump, so we put him in there, and it just tootled on until we moved and broke it down. Regular algae farm---snails and crabs never made a dent in it. But it was healthy.
I have to admit that I got more complements from non-reefers about how pretty the tank was when I had big wavy patches of GHA and bubble algaes everywhere.

Why are non-reefers always so fascinated with bubble algae?
I have to admit that I got more complements from non-reefers about how pretty the tank was when I had big wavy patches of GHA and bubble algaes everywhere.

Why are non-reefers always so fascinated with bubble algae?

it's a vast and well orchestrated conspiracy to annoy us by being intentionally obtuse.

just like how everyone who sees my tank for the first time misses all the corals, clams, and other fish, and just shouts: DO YOU HAVE A NEEEEEMMMOOO?!?!?!

then when i start telling them how Nemo was an Amphiprion ocellaris and i keep Amphiprion percula, they fall fast asleep and i push them outside on to the curb.