Green Mandarin.....

corals - light

corals - light

These bulbs probably do promote coral growth, as do T5 lighting, but you have to have enough of them to get the necessary light for your critters. One bulb just isn't going to cut it, I have 2 x 150w Metal Halides over mine with 110w of T5 Actinics and even that isn't enough for some. I'd go for either a 2 x 150w metal halide fixture or a 6 bulb t5. If you stay with the bulbs that you have, you'll need to get about 6 of them, and even then that will limit what you can keep. Metal Halides fixtures are pretty cheap on ebay, why not try to get 1 250w fixture and buy a 10-14k bulb to go in there.

Here is a 250w lighting fixture on ebay:
Re: Green Mandarin.....

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6935524#post6935524 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fish_NEMO

- Green Mandarin (3)
I don't believe you'd be able to keep 3 ... they don't typically get along well together and a limited food supply for them as they almost always eat live food that your tank will need to supply. YMMV - Here is a good link to Mandarinfish .

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6935524#post6935524 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by fish_NEMO
- Carnation Tree Coral, Blood Red (1)
- Brain Coral (1)
- Brain Worm Platygyra Coral (1)
- Spotted Mushroom (1)
- Thin Finger Leather Coral (1)
- Brain Coral, Trachyphyllia (1)
- Green Fluorescent Mushroom (1)
- Red Mushroom (1)
- Brain Coral, Wellsophyllia (1)
- Electric Blue Hermit Crab (15)
- Marble Sea Star (1)
- Blood Red Fire Shrimp (1)
- Banded Trochus Snail (30)
- Ritteri Anemone (1)
- Maxima Clam (1)

Carnation Tree Coral is considered Expert Only by Drs. Foster site with low light level and medium to High flow in tank. Here is a link

Brain Worm Platygrya is listed as Easy to care for, moderate flow and light. Here is a link

Mushrooms should be easy ... I won't bother with a link

The other brains should be about the same as the first one listed ... you can look them up on Drs. FS site and read up on the little differences they have.

Thin fingure Leather, is listed as moderate care needing High light and medium to High flow. Here is a link

The Ritteri Anemone is listed as difficult care needing high light and strong flow. It's also agressive .... you are going to have a crowded aquarium ... you might want to stay away from agressive coral and Anemone.

The maxima Clam is going to need high light.

I did not take the time to look upo the shirmp and snails.

To be honest ... I don't feel that you have really spent enough time learning about what you want to keep. It seems more that you have decided by what looks good rather than what would work together. I don't mean this to be mean ... I'd just hate to see you waste a lot of money.

The equipment you have is going to really determin what you can keep also ... you are going to need to look more into your lighting and what types of pumps you are going to use ... it's going to be tough to fit all this stuff in with all the differnt varing requirements ... that's not to say it can't be done ... but you'll have to have a lot of knowledge and the correct equipment to pull it off.

Good luck and keep us posted