Green montipora browning

That's definitely high. I'd get a more accurate test kit. Im not sure monti will brown out when subjected to high phosphates, just not grow or polyp up. You're probably looking at a lighting issue.
How long you had? Issue just start? Tank running for a while or fairly new? Alk/Ca/Mg?. Have you checked potassium (K)? Caps can be sensitive to lack of it, but really need to measure. Nitrates? What are you dosing? Any algae issues at all? Any tissue loss or just browning out? What intensity are you running the photons at?

All this information will help get you some good hints as to what might be going on as well as some good inputs from the forum members. Do you have any before pics and a current pic?
I have this cap for about 2 weeks, the issue start after a week, the tank has been running about 7 months. My alk is a 9 , cal is 440 , i haven't test mag and potassium. My nitrates is undectectable. I'm not dosing anything right now just doing water change every two weeks. My tank is having a little issue with hair algae. The cap just browning out, my photons are running sun rise and sun set so idk how to check the intensity
On the Photon/s, I am assuming your running "custom" mode and program the two channels in either 1/2 hour or 1 hour intervals. What are your highest percentage settings for both the blue and white channels?
My guess basses on info given would be give it more light to start but also u need a better phosphate test kit. U need something that will measure at least down to .03 accurately. Hanna testers are a good one

The light is running 1 hour interval and the highest percentage for blue is 70 and for white is 65. Should I bump it up alittle? The montipora is also 9inch from the water surface.
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I doubt it's the lighting and if you have hair algae, you have nitrates and phosphates. My guess though is phosphates are causing the browning. You should test your water with a Hanna Meter. Not sure where you live, but I'm down the street from FAOIS and every once in a while I'll have them test for it. I think they charge $3.
+1 to what CuzzA said. Your running a pretty high percentage of light already and the cap is higher in the tank. .25 phosphates is pretty high and you can bet if you have hair algae, it is quite a bit higher than measured.

For nutrient control, figure out a method and stick with it. Nothing good happens fast in this sport :0
Thanks for the advise, I'm currently running rowaphos, activaded carbon and sca skimmer. I'l have to find a store that is using good test kits, faois is pretty far away from my house. The hanna checker is pretty expensive.
Do you have a LFS that uses one for the public? Or perhaps someone on here has one close to you. No test kit is going to give you an accurate measurement. I think the Hanna Checkers are only around $35-$40. Close to what a Salifert test kit costs.