Greenhouse emmisions.........are we doomed by 2050

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<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11426505#post11426505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Buckeye ME
As I showed, people can pull information and data from hundreds of sources to "prove" what they believe. The information "proving" human caused global warming is no better than the information refuting it.
Actually, that's complete and utter crap. The information is not the same. That's the beauty of science, you can prove or provide a high level of certainty that something is correct. It's true that an argument can be made for either side, but the quality of the argument is ultimately only as strong as the evidence that supports it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11426505#post11426505 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Buckeye ME
As I showed, people can pull information and data from hundreds of sources to "prove" what they believe. The information "proving" human caused global warming is no better than the information refuting it.

The Earth has varied in temperature since the beginning of time, and we are naive to believe the current temperature state is ideal.

Get off the soapboxes and understand this: the prophets of doom have been ignored by rational individuals since humans began to speak. More crazy people predicting the end of the world will not change the minds of those who can see past the hype.

The Earth has been and will continue to change. Humans adapt and change their ways. If a city floods, move to higher ground (I'm talking to you N.O.). If a previously frozen area thaws to allow crops and habitation, go there and make it useful. Last of all, stop complaining about things you cannot change.

jesus. I'm lost for words. :bum:
jesus. I'm lost for words.

That's common when you have nothing.

Gravity - proven
The composition of air - proven
Global warming - completely debatable. People need to stop acting like it is fact. It is not.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11432252#post11432252 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Buckeye ME
Gravity - proven
The composition of air - proven
Global warming - completely debatable. People need to stop acting like it is fact. It is not.
Maybe not proven as fact yet, but you need to realize what side of the issue the evidence is pointing towards, strongly pointing towards.
"Strongly" is very subjective at this point. To me, the evidence "strongly" shows there is very little contribution from CO2, and that this is all part of the natural changes experienced by Earth.

Fear/drama/sensationalism sells. See: global COOLING in the 1970s.

I'm not buying.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11433206#post11433206 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Buckeye ME
"Strongly" is very subjective at this point. To me, the evidence "strongly" shows there is very little contribution from CO2, and that this is all part of the natural changes experienced by Earth.

Fear/drama/sensationalism sells. See: global COOLING in the 1970s.

I'm not buying.
Global cooling had no where near the level of evidence or scientific acceptance that GW has. Also, the latest IPCC report calculated the probability that the current warming is entirely natural to be less than 5%. That is STRONG evidence.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11433206#post11433206 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Buckeye ME
"Strongly" is very subjective at this point. To me, the evidence "strongly" shows there is very little contribution from CO2, and that this is all part of the natural changes experienced by Earth.

Fear/drama/sensationalism sells. See: global COOLING in the 1970s.

I'm not buying.

Well said............the world was "flat" in the eyes of scientist in our not too distant past, as well. One FACT that IS irrefutable is that there have been major heating and cooling cycles from the fossil records......................................that is not conjecture or numbers that can be manipulated by those who want to believe one way or the other.

In my home state, Texas, we have more problems in our southern city from pollution being BLOWN in from Mexico. I can see that with my own eyes when I am in the Big Bend. So how much information is being skewed because of winds from the atmosphere in countries with little or no pollution control?? Why is it our responsibility to do anything for other countries (CHINA cough cough) to do something to clean up THEIR act?? The whole "you first" game is an irresponsible attitude from ALL countries. The whole thing makes me think of a bunch of children arguing.....................................and the US has just become the world's scapegoat. Clean air is a good thing. The politics of it is the REAL polution. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11434423#post11434423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquariaOCD
Well said............the world was "flat" in the eyes of scientist in our not too distant past, as well. One FACT that IS irrefutable is that there have been major heating and cooling cycles from the fossil records......................................that is not conjecture or numbers that can be manipulated by those who want to believe one way or the other.
So what? You think that those facts haven't been taken into account? Please.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11434423#post11434423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquariaOCD
So how much information is being skewed because of winds from the atmosphere in countries with little or no pollution control??

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11434423#post11434423 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by AquariaOCD
Why is it our responsibility to do anything for other countries (CHINA cough cough) to do something to clean up THEIR act?? The whole "you first" game is an irresponsible attitude from ALL countries. The whole thing makes me think of a bunch of children arguing.....................................and the US has just become the world's scapegoat. Clean air is a good thing. The politics of it is the REAL polution. :D
Actually, other countries DO want to do something. The biggest roadblock is the US and our continual refusal to commit to anything substantial. China and India are major problems, but like you said, it's like children arguing. I suppose the next step is to man-up and DO something. Don't you agree? The US also deserves its scapegoat status as we are the largest polluter, for the near future anyway. I'm sure you just want to wave your flag and put a sticker on you car bumper, but don't delude yourself as to what this country REALLY is.
This is a joke isn't it?

"Global cooling had no where near the level of evidence or scientific acceptance that GW has. Also, the latest IPCC report calculated the probability that the current warming is entirely natural to be less than 5%. That is STRONG evidence."

You put your faith in a UN political committee? Look how well they handle other activities. Why do you think they are right this time?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11436315#post11436315 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by HippieSmell
So what? You think that those facts haven't been taken into account? Please.


Actually, other countries DO want to do something. The biggest roadblock is the US and our continual refusal to commit to anything substantial. China and India are major problems, but like you said, it's like children arguing. I suppose the next step is to man-up and DO something. Don't you agree? The US also deserves its scapegoat status as we are the largest polluter, for the near future anyway. I'm sure you just want to wave your flag and put a sticker on you car bumper, but don't delude yourself as to what this country REALLY is.

Wow, hippie, what's the flag and bumper sticker thing all about??????? I have a residence in the US and the EU. Which flag you talkin about?? I do have a flag bumper sticker on my car - it's the flag of CATALUNA. I am a citizen of the WORLD in action - not just in princpal............................... and last time I checked, China was passing us up in hydrocarbon emissions and have done absolutely nothing to improve them. The US is doing some, how about those new mileage regs for cars. What did the rest of the world do last week??
Last week the rest of the world pushed for a treaty to cap and reduce emissions. They also booed the US for being the biggest contributor to anthropogenic warming but refusing to agree to any significant action.

Meanwhile back at home we set a goal to meet an average of 35 mpg within 12 years. Wow, how ambitious! I drive a car that exceeded those standards almost 20 years ago. It took us 8 years to get to the moon but we're setting a goal of 10 mpg better over 12 years? I'm not sure we really deserve a pat on the back for that.

You put your faith in a UN political committee? Look how well they handle other activities. Why do you think they are right this time?
The IPCC was a committee of scientists from UN countries, not politicians. Skeptics such as Dr. Christy were also included as members of the panel to ensure both sides were represented. They were simply asked to review the pre-existing literature on the subject and put it in useful terms for policymakers. Everything they said is already represented in the scientific literature except for their recommendations of how we should deal with the problems. Can you point out something they specifically got wrong based on sound science?
Meanwhile back at home we set a goal to meet an average of 35 mpg within 12 years. Wow, how ambitious! I drive a car that exceeded those standards almost 20 years ago. It took us 8 years to get to the moon but we're setting a goal of 10 mpg better over 12 years? I'm not sure we really deserve a pat on the back for that.

That's quite ignorant to say a 40% increase in gas mileage is as simple as you think it is. Sure, we could all be driving around in 4 cylinder Corollas, but that is not practical. We might as well ask everyone to ride their bike to work.

35 mpg and American's desire for powerful cars do not go hand in hand. You cannot blame politicians for that.
If you could give me an example of anything the UN does that is done well, I could possibly believe a political body like the IPCC can make unbiased scientific recommendations.
Why the need for a consensus, if the data stands on its own?

Oh that's right, there is no data, just mathamatical models and then a little correlation analysis.

Are there any other economy wreaking decisions that we utilize unvarifiable models to guide us?

Its all voodoo.
Thinking like that is exactly why nothing gets done. There's nothing hard about it at all except convincing the public that it needs to be done. The technology has been around for years. Within 12 years we could do away with gas as the primary fuel source altogether if there was enough demand.

Sure, we could all be driving around in 4 cylinder Corollas, but that is not practical. We might as well ask everyone to ride their bike to work.
Yeah, you're right. Corollas are sooo uncomfortable and extremely impractical for all that harsh driving people do. SUVs and muscle cars are definitely better suited to interstate driving and those high speed commutes to work. :rolleyes:

35 mpg and American's desire for powerful cars do not go hand in hand. You cannot blame politicians for that.
They don't go hand in hand if you insist on using 1970's technology like American carmakers do. Like I said my car is almost 20 years old and it makes about 75 HP/liter as compared to a 2008 mustang that makes about 50 HP/liter. I'm not blaming politicians at all. I'm blaming the automakers for sticking to the status quo and the citizens for not demanding any more from them.
Automakers are selling cars the public wants. That's how capitalism works.

If there was demand for 4 million Corollas/year, we would be making that many.

I don't know how tall you are, but a Corolla does suck for me. People above 6' tall are not meant to drive those.
The technology has been around for years. Within 12 years we could do away with gas as the primary fuel source altogether if there was enough demand.

And what mystical technology is this you're talking about? There is no magic propulsion system that will eliminate gas in the immediate future. You probably also believe the government is holding a patent on a 300 mpg engine so they can keep their "oil buddies" in business.
I was actually talking about the technology to reach the 35 mpg mark. For the last 30 years American manufacturers have been pouring their R&D money into improving the efficiency of tired old designs without trying anything really new. There's only so much you can do to an old design to improve flow and cooling and cut weight. I agree that it would be quite a feat to improve efficiency 40% that way.

Meanwhile European and Japanese manufacturers have been working on real innovations. Japanese manufacturers have been using variable timing for about 20 years whereas American manufacturers joined the club 2 years ago. Americans are still sticking to traditional gearboxes while other countries have made major improvements in the performance of newer types of transmissions. American manufacturers were behind in the transition from coil-distributor ignitions too. Those are just a few existing technologies that improve efficiency without sacrificing power.

Automakers are selling cars the public wants. That's how capitalism works.
Yep, and that's part of the reason American manufacturers have been suffering from poor sales lately while Japanese manufacturers like Toyota are seeing record profits and increased sales of fuel-efficient vehicles.

And what mystical technology is this you're talking about? There is no magic propulsion system that will eliminate gas in the immediate future.
Given how little people care about gas prices or environmental impacts there isn't anything that's poised to knock off gas. That's not because alternatives like biofuel and fuel cells don't have the potential to be better or have insurmountable problems, but because there's not a terrible amount of effort being put into developing them further. Biodiesel works great, but there's no infrastructure to manufacture and distribute it. Hydrogen has the same problems, plus a few others with the production methods. The problems with both could be addressed within 12 years if there was a push to do it.

You probably also believe the government is holding a patent on a 300 mpg engine so they can keep their "oil buddies" in business.
Just an aside, something to think of in your research.

Hydrogen is most produced from natural gas. The extraction of hydrogen pumps tons of CO2 and other green house gases into the atmosphere. While it might be an alternative for gasoline it is not a clean one.

Bio fuels are terribly inefficient. It takes a gallon of fuel to produce 1.2 gallons of bio fuel.
If you could give me an example of anything the UN does that is done well, I could possibly believe a political body like the IPCC can make unbiased scientific recommendations.
The Convention on Biodiversity
The Bonn Convention

Why the need for a consensus, if the data stands on its own?
Because that's what's reflected in the scientific literature.

Oh that's right, there is no data, just mathamatical models and then a little correlation analysis.
Actually those models are based on data. There's observational data, proxy data like sediment cores, direct measurements from some sources like trapped air in ice cores, biological data such as range shifts, and changes in the timing of seasonal events just to name the stuff I can think of off the top of my head.

Are there any other economy wreaking decisions that we utilize unvarifiable models to guide us?
What economy wrecking decision are we talking about basing on unverifiable models? One really big one comes to mind, but it's against RC policy to talk about it.
Hydrogen is most produced from natural gas. The extraction of hydrogen pumps tons of CO2 and other green house gases into the atmosphere. While it might be an alternative for gasoline it is not a clean one.

Bio fuels are terribly inefficient. It takes a gallon of fuel to produce 1.2 gallons of bio fuel.
Those are the kinds of problems with production methods I was talking about. None of them are insurmountable; the technology just isn't mature yet because there hasn't been much public will to develop it. We also have ways of producing H2 from water and electricity which can be produced from renewable sources. The trouble with that though is it's slow. Last I heard the production of biofuel was worse than 1:1. You have to keep in mind that we've put almost no effort into optimizing either process though so we shouldn't write them off. We have to judge the alternatives based on their potential, not where they're at now. Keep in mind when oil refining first started that people though gasoline had no potential and literally threw it out.
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