Grouping brain corals


New member
Not really played with brain corals much but can you keep similar species like favia, favites, goniastrea and montastrea close together in an almost brain garden arrangement? I know you really need to leave a little gap for growth but do their stingers wipe each other out or are they fairly tolerant of each other in the same way euphyllias (well except torch) can be?
I would like to know the answer aswell. Currently I have a few about to grow near, was just gonna see what happened.
I know that I have seen 2 different colour morphs of the same species intertwine before but just can't find any pics of multiple species almost touching.

I'm sure someone must know.
There is a better than average chance, they will fight. They may just do enough damage to fight each other off or they may completely annihilate one another. All if those corals have a pretty strong sting and are aggressive. You will be likely ok until they grow close to one another but they can send some pretty long sweepers out.
Favia and Favites will happily sting to death whatever they can touch with their sweepers. Keep them at least sweeper length away from everything.
I keep all my wellso close, they can touch. Their feelers are very short. I give my lobos some room they are more aggressive. My maze brain has long sweepers.
