Growth on clown, please help


New member
Growth on clown, please help

I have a pair of true perks in a 40 gallon breeder with a leopard wrasse, 2 cleaner shrimp and various inverts with only live rocks and some macro algae growing in the tank. tank completed its cycle about 8 months ago and i have had the perks for about 7 months, since they were small, all fish are healthy. BUT, the two cleaner shrimp are acting weird the past two days, and hiding in caves in the rockwork, which is WEIRD.

Today I noticed that the larger of the two perks has a small ball on his under belly exactly under the center white stripe on its body, I think this is where its anus is. It resembles a BB from a BB-gun, the size of the BB is only about 1mm in diameter, maybe smaller.

I feed my fish a combination of mysis shrimp, cyclopeze and frozen uncooked cocktail shrimp.

Now what on earth is this BB??? Poop???

I originally posted this here... and was told it may be an internal parasite and to post it in this forum, or that it may be from over feeding...
I agree with the others, I would wait it out. Sometimes as one of those posts mentioned, it has to do with diet--maybe ate something that was a little more high in protein, and starting to form a blockage (usually can work this out themselves with time; have heard feeding a cooked pea can give them a little fiber to help).

If these clowns have been with you 7 months, and they aren't fed live foods and haven't had new neighbor additions, it's very unlikely that they would get a parasite out of the blue (mysis are not frequent vectors for disease, cyclpeze should be fine, and frozen shrimp should be ok--well, out of the bunch, I'd say it's slightly riskier, but still low chance of it being a problem).

How long has it been now?
THanks for getting back to me...

i returned from work and the BB was gone thank heavens, so in the span of 12 hours the bb disappeared.

Because of all the problems i have read about (while at work) about disease and parasites and stuff like that... i never want to add any more fish...

if i do, i will definately be QTing them for an exaggerated period of time...

thank you all , i am giddy it is GONE...