thales, what i should have said is that your tank can't be used as evidence of anything any more than any other one tank can..
i don't know this but i think that there is a preponderance of successful reefs using methods (whether they be zeo, dsb or clay-boa- whatever that is..) which control nutrients and have success….. perhaps i am perpetuating the lie!!
I don't know if it is a lie or not.

Part of the problem that I may be expressing is that there are some (many?) proponents of the different methodologies that are adamant that their way is the right way.
conventional wisdom does indeed span many methodologies but what many/most of these methodologies have in common is having some control of pollution (n and p, organics)
You bet. Nutrient control is pretty central to almost all methodologies - I actually can't think of one that doesn't - and I think the confusion comes when nutrient control becomes chasing numbers.
thales, you don't seem to really try to control them at all… i think your tank goes against conventional wisdom… a convention of nutrient control which has produced more successful tanks than the convention of letting nutrients go willy nilly has..
I am trying to control them, just not obsessing about it. I have a decent skimmer, usually there is some kind of macro algae growing in the sump, a bunch of live rock, and I usually dose Kalk, and a RDSB - all of those are at least partially for nutrient control. I stopped working on trying to knock the phosphate down for a few reasons 1- I am a lazy. 2 - It was expensive and a pain in the butt having to change GFO so often. 3 - the more I researched phosphate I couldn't find super convincing support for the problems that 'high' phosphate was supposed to incur (I didn't have an algae problem and the 'brittleness' reported in that pocci study didn't seem to have a practical impact). As I got more lazy about trying to deal with the phosphate, I noticed no real difference in the corals. IMO, phosphate is really the only thing 'out of whack' in my system.
Am i perpetuating the lie again??
Dunno, I am not really sure what you think the lie is.
i go back to my point of a new reefer, a new reefer has to get to know his/her reef… at least have an understanding of pollution control, amongst other extremely important parameters. Once they observe the relationships between energy in and energy out, they will be much better armed with knowledge, which will allow them to tweak their reefs the way they want to.
You bet. I suggest that new reefers read everything, and find a mentor or to to discuss stuff. I also suggest they start with a reasonable sized tank and only cultured animals to learn on. They have to develop a plan that makes sense to them then see how it works in reality.
"Yes! I think the idea that was put out there when mini reefs hit the market was that reefing was easy, and that that attitude has led a lot of people into the hobby that shouldn't be in the hobby, as they kill things, get frustrated, and then quit."
i agree with this, completely but on some levels your tank, this thread runs the risk of perpetuating this.. hopefully, by now anybody reading this thread won't fall prey to tunnel vision reef keeping.
Yeah, I don't know what to do about that. Usually, that kind of thinking comes from wanting to skip steps, and I don't know what to do to address that issue except hope. In the meantime, I try not to hide the idea that what we do can be complicated. I think more knowledge is better than less, even if it seems more confusing. I think reefkeeping at this point is as much an art as a science, and that there are therefore esoteric subtitles that may not be easy to get our minds around.
when you say,
'I generally suggest that people look for images and video of tanks they like the look of and consider emulating that methodology.'
what is the methodology that you use?
A straight forward system and benign neglect. Simple skimming, live rock for ammonia processing, RDSB for NNR, Ca Reactor (which I think of more as an alkalinity reactor) and not to mess with it too much. Lots of flow and 'good' lighting. Feed a lot. Not sure what we would call that.
would you suggest people follow your methodology?
Sure - if they want a tank that looks like mine and they get a good understanding of how and why I am doing what I am doing. Before they do, I would like them to read all the stuff I have written about the tank, the disasters, and even check the original build thread that got deleted by accident on another forum but was put back together from caches on my site. I would also suggest that they read Charles and Julians books.
im not trying to be argumentative.. well i guess I am, but not in a disrespectful way..
I gotcha! You don't seem abrasive so it feels like we are just talking, which is great.
it just seems that this statement sort of goes against the spirit of this thread, yet i would agree with it except where it comes to emulating your tank
clearly, you are doing something as right as any other successful reef keeper.. not sure what, though!
That is the interesting part. Maybe phosphate isn't the boogyman. When Julian was over we were talking about whether the tank would be better with lower phosphate, and how we could possibly determine that. For me, if it is expensive and time consuming, it doesn't seem worth the effort to change what is working. I am considering some kind of ATS and have been talking with Morgan from Inland aquatics, we'll see how that pans out.
I certainly look forward to reading your article.. and thank you for this thread!
Thanks and thanks for your input!