Guess the Phosphate level

I never said everybody knows or everybody says :)

I said " which is against everyones observations" ;)

lets not change each others words as that hurts overall discussion and learning.

That is why I used single quotes. It is not against everyones observations either. :D

so please teach us ... are we all seeing things ? or could it be that the gradual changes was not noticed in your tank ? ORRR .... rather corals that need higher nutrients started growing more than the SPS in your tank ? the overall results, looks amazing, your tank is really nice, but we are trying to find relations between nutrients and SPS here, and not overall help. [or at least I was lol ]

Dunno. Though my tank is SPS dominated. I have seen no real difference in the coral color or growth rates since the crash in 2011 (except for some salinity issues I had). I don't know if there are any conclusions I feel comfortable making about the levels in my tank except to say that higher NO3 and Phosphate doesn't seem to be the doom that some people think it is.
I don't know if there are any conclusions I feel comfortable making about the levels in my tank except to say that higher NO3 and Phosphate doesn't seem to be the doom that some people think it is.

ok, so in other words, elevated nutrients did not result in a catastrophic massive Die off of SPS corals. it is not the DOOM. but its not unrelated neither :)

that is what I was trying to get at.

when we look at our tanks daily, we often do not notice changes in color or growth ... thats why I always refer back to pictures and am always shocked about how much a coral I see daily has grown or changed color ....
ok, so in other words, elevated nutrients did not result in a catastrophic massive Die off of SPS corals. it is not the DOOM. but its not unrelated neither :)

that is what I was trying to get at.

Not sure what that means.

when we look at our tanks daily, we often do not notice changes in color or growth ... thats why I always refer back to pictures and am always shocked about how much a coral I see daily has grown or changed color ....

Sure. I posted a link to pics over time earlier.
I would like to see all the corals close up, the tank is so big its hard to tell how the corals really look. Maybe some topdown shots would help continue this conversation in a good way. Also comparing certain corals you have in your tank with others corals that are of the same species and color, that keep them using nsw (or at least towards that end of the nutrient scale) as a parameter guide and so on...
Suprising to me, your lps and softies seem browner than any acros, but, your acros could be showing odd growth or also be colored up different, not sure because i cant see any corals close enough to tell.

Do you know what caused the crash in 2011? (Sorry if you already got into that)
Some snaps tonight under the LED's and Raidums. The ones from yesterday were under the LED's, Radiums and 14 K Ushios. Please forgive the little bit of algae - its been a long day. :D

Left side


Right side
I would like to see all the corals close up, the tank is so big its hard to tell how the corals really look. Maybe some topdown shots would help continue this conversation in a good way. Also comparing certain corals you have in your tank with others corals that are of the same species and color, that keep them using nsw (or at least towards that end of the nutrient scale) as a parameter guide and so on...
Suprising to me, your lps and softies seem browner than any acros, but, your acros could be showing odd growth or also be colored up different, not sure because i cant see any corals close enough to tell.

Do you know what caused the crash in 2011? (Sorry if you already got into that)

If there is one thing I've learned on Reef Central: few things are as subjective as how nicely people think corals are colored.
N03- test from work yesterday, was 77, which brings it more in line with the AWT NO3N test 13.4 (13.4x4.4=58.96).
This is a very fascinating thread! The colours look great and the PO4 and NO3 levels look insane! My tank generally has great coloration and growth until I hit PO4 of about .08ppm. That is when I could definitely notice slower growth and loss of coloration of some SPS.

One question for you. Out of all the SPS you purchased, since the crash in 2011, would you say far more have survived than perished over the years? Are these just all "hardier" species or do you have some typically "finicky" sps in the tank? This is just for my own curiosity.

P.S The tank looks great!!
One question for you. Out of all the SPS you purchased, since the crash in 2011, would you say far more have survived than perished over the years? Are these just all "hardier" species or do you have some typically "finicky" sps in the tank? This is just for my own curiosity.

P.S The tank looks great!!

Most of what you see is from frags obtained after the disaster. Some got smacked back by a salinity issue, but the big stuff is from frags. What is considered finicky?

Weird. I tell you I don't understand what you are saying and you lol at me. Is English a second language for you? If so perhaps that is why I am not understanding what you are trying to say.

I know ! its weird cause I think I worded it out nicely ...

elevated nutrients did not result in a catastrophic massive Die off of SPS corals. it is not the DOOM. but its not unrelated neither

and yes, english in my second language. maybe 4th even :)

its just that 99.9% of ppl who read this thread seem to get the wrong Idea and think you are saying : nutrients dont play a role in how SPS corals look or grow.
I know ! its weird cause I think I worded it out nicely ...

elevated nutrients did not result in a catastrophic massive Die off of SPS corals. it is not the DOOM. but its not unrelated neither

That last part is a jump I don't understand. What is "not unrelated"? How do you know?

its just that 99.9% of ppl who read this thread seem to get the wrong Idea and think you are saying: nutrients don't play a role in how SPS corals look or grow.

99.9%? You have polled everyone who has read this thread? Why not just say the truth - some people. No need to bolster your thoughts with hyperbole. This kind of 'argument from assumed authority' is not helpful in the overall growth of understanding in any endeavor anymore than your previous 'everyone' argument.

If some people read this thread where I have written over and over again that we don't really know what is going on, that I am making no methodology recommendations, and that my tank is simply evidence that high phosphate, and apparently now nitrate are not necessarily doom, I am not sure what to tell them. All I can do is present evidence and correct people when they attribute ideas to me that I am not advocating.

I understand that some people want easy answers, that some people want binary choices, but things are not that simple. I also understand that a whole lot of discussion on online forums is converted into binary or easy answers, and that I am swimming against the current by not giving into it, but I think it is worth it.
It may partially be. Your lack of sentence structure may be related to your english.
It may be pointless to try to engage you in useful discussion, but I'll try - again, What is "not unrelated"? How do you know?