Active member
I never said everybody knows or everybody says
I said " which is against everyones observations"
lets not change each others words as that hurts overall discussion and learning.
That is why I used single quotes. It is not against everyones observations either.

so please teach us ... are we all seeing things ? or could it be that the gradual changes was not noticed in your tank ? ORRR .... rather corals that need higher nutrients started growing more than the SPS in your tank ? the overall results, looks amazing, your tank is really nice, but we are trying to find relations between nutrients and SPS here, and not overall help. [or at least I was lol ]
Dunno. Though my tank is SPS dominated. I have seen no real difference in the coral color or growth rates since the crash in 2011 (except for some salinity issues I had). I don't know if there are any conclusions I feel comfortable making about the levels in my tank except to say that higher NO3 and Phosphate doesn't seem to be the doom that some people think it is.