we have not been able to come up with any rational explanation for this case.
Sure we have. We just don't know if any of them are true or not.
it can not be that corals do not care for water quality.
No one is arguing that. It could be a combination of water qualities impact corals differently, it could be that our standard levels were/are based on insufficient evidence (perhaps the standard levels reflect attempts to make things more like the ocean from a time when it was difficult to keep anything alive).
if that was the case, ppl would not loose corals and ppl would not have brown corals
That is a tough one. We don't really know why people are losing corals, especially in newer systems.
... oceans would also not be effected by our pollution "¦
Depends on what you mean by pollution.
that is not the case in reality, so something is off "¦
Again, maybe.
so either we have ALL been wrong "¦
That is too absolutist for me- we could be partially wrong, or stuck with 'this is what has been successful in the past'.
and our values are NOT even close to what our test kits show. [which cant be , as many have been verified by labs ... ] or that something else is happening here.
I am not a fan of any water test being relied on as accurate. They all worry me, and I much prefer to think of them as general trends rather that specific results. I look at all water test results with a squinty eye.
we still have not seen any close up pictures of SPS corals ...
I'll get some if I have time, though I am not sure what that would inform. Julian was pretty happy with the health and color of the corals if that is useful.
Thales, just like u started skeptical reef thing ... we have to be skeptical of your test results and observations as well.
Of course. I am skeptical of those test results too, as I have tried to be clear about. Please also realize that mostly I am just reporting, not trying to provide conclusions.
at your work, do other scientists also believe that water quality doesnt matter? and if they do, why do they continue filtering their tanks ? why do ppl who research in this field control nutrients ?
I am not sure where you are getting the idea that anyone thinks that water quality doesn't matter.