Maybe I should have said 'preciseness and accuracy' in my earlier reply. That said, it looks like we may mostly agree.
For instance, people use their hanna checker phosphates devices are report that their phosphate is .04 ppm. Leaving aside the probable practical testing errors, the accuracy of the test, according to the manual, is +- .04 ppm at 25c (no idea how much more it drifts away from 25c). So a test result right in the range that most people are looking for....
I see no practical reason to worry about the difference in you Ca example. Worrying about 426.4 and 425 would fall for me, squarely into the chasing numbers morass.
I translate test results, no matter where they come from, into generalities that make them more practical for me. I find a one off test to be inherently suspect, while tests using the methodology by the same person more useful in trending, but still suspect.
Results by the lab:
Alk = 3.377
Ca = 452.4
Mg = 1337.5
NO3- = 100.7
PO43- = 1.392
How I read them:
Alk= 3 ish, maybe 3.3ish
Ca = 400ish, could be as low as 350
Mg = somewhere between 1200 and 1500
NO3 = seems high
PO43 = seems high
NO3 and PO43 get a 'seems high' translation because I am still not really sure what is the practical problem with these 'high' values. Most likely, I would make an effort to try to bring them down, based mostly on 'because'.
A quick word on the high N03 - I think a whole lot of reefkeepers with successful tanks don't often, if ever test NO3. I know some that when they do test it, it reads off the charts, but everything looks fine. We don't often hear about this on public forums because most people really don't want to get into this kind of discussion.