halimeda questions


New member
Hi, Ive got some Halimeda in my 20H that came on the liverock... It grows pretty damn fast, and every so often, Ill notice a new green "bud" on some rock that grows into a plant quickly. Anyways, I've heard of it going sexual and wanted to avoid this - is this done by pruning? How large should I let it grow before I prune it? The largest specimens in my tank are probably about 10 "coins" high...

Unlike Caulerpa, Halimeda is not known for going sexual to the extent of causing tank problems. So no need to worry, just enjoy it :)
When it goes sexual, it just crumbles and the calcium carbonate part of it ends up adding to your sandbed. I've been diving in Cozumel, Mexico and huge areas of the sandy flats are composed of the dead plant along with live halemeda. If it starts shading other photosynthetics, just break some off. I've pulled large plants out of my sandbed with complex root systems and it always seems to come back from that litte root I missed.
so does it do best in a well-lit area of the sandbed? I recently bought some and that's where I have it, it seems to be doing ok, but then again, I want to make sure... :)
i put a good-sized patch of halimeda in my 55 gallon....a few weeks later i've had some zoanthids die...i just removed almost all of it....this stuff reaks bad!!!

grows VERY fast.......my scopas tang does nibble on it daily.....but i think its killin some zo's.....

i'll try to report back ....hopefully things will improve....
after an hour things seem better already....i've removed all most all of it....i think i put in way too much......it seems like it was polluting my tank