halogen lighting


Shai Dorsai!
Any reason not to use a halogen floodlight on a refugium (heat, yellowness of the light, and electricity use aside)? I have a Regent 500W halogen light (gp500wl) that I can use on a refugium. I'm trying to grow chaeto and similar macros. If it is a viable option perhaps even seagrass. All I can find is that the halogen light puts out 10500 lumens.


Hi Andy,

I do not know if there are halogens that produce the proper spectrum of light for photosynthesis. Also, speaking from experience with my desk lamp, I know halogens produe a lot of heat. If you are looking for an inexpensive DIY lighting solution, I know that the screw-in PC lamps work very well.

Check out this link:

You might want to try posting in the Lighting Filtration and Other Equipment forum.

Thanks for your response. I've seen posts stating that halogen would result in lots of algae and diatoms. I just wondered if anything higher would grow. I'll try the lighting and filtration forum as you suggested. I have one on hand so maybe I'll give it a try and see what happens.