There are a ton of different little white stars that we lump into one group and call "Asterina". I've read loads of claims that Asterinas eat corals, and each time a bunch of people sure that the stars are harmless.
My guess is that some Asterinas do have a negative effect on at least some corals, and others (probably the majority) are benign.
I've also seen people report success in using Harlequin shrimp to eradicate Asterinas, and I've seen claims that the shrimp never touched the Asterinas at all.
Again, guessing, Harlequins don't eat all species of Asterina stars.
What I know is fact that I can add is that Harlequins eat exclusively starfish. From experience, I can tell you that they like Chocolate Chip stars.
Price and availability of said starfish should be considered before making this purchase. I kept a large pair of Harleys, and they would easily go through a medium size CC star inside of a week, a smaller pair, maybe you feed every two weeks. I was paying $15-20 per star and had to get them when I could and keep them in my sump, you can't count on being able to find them regularly.