Has anyone made an LED driver based on LM3463 6 channel driver IC?

The wait is killing me! Anybody have better luck?

Product Lead Time Estimates

<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"> <tbody><tr><td align="right">Digi-Key Part Number</td><td>620-1477-1-ND</td></tr> <tr><td align="right">Manufacturer Part Number</td><td>A6211GLJTR-T</td></tr> <tr><td align="right">Description</td><td>IC LED DRVR CONS CURR 8SOIC</td></tr></tbody></table>
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1"> <tbody><tr><th>Quantity</th><th>Ship Date Estimate
(mm/dd/yyyy) </th></tr><tr><td align="center">100</td><td align="center">2/5/2014</td></tr> </tbody></table> Ship dates are approximate and subject to change.
<form action="/scripts/dksearch/dksus.dll?LeadTime" method="post"> <input name="quantity" value="100" size="9" maxlength="9" type="text"> </form>
Alternate packages available for620-1477-1-ND <table class="product-details-alternate-packaging" frame="void" rules="all" style="margin-top: .5em;" border="1"> <tbody><tr><th>Digi-Key Part Number</th><th>Manufacturer Part Number</th><th>Packaging</th><th>Quantity Available</th><th>Unit Price</th><th>Minimum Quantity</th></tr> <tr><td>620-1477-2-ND</td><td align="center">A6211GLJTR-T</td><td align="center">Tape & Reel (TR)
</td><td align="center">0
</td><td align="center">0.40600</td><td align="center">3,000</td></tr> <tr><td>620-1477-6-ND</td><td align="center">A6211GLJTR-T</td><td align="center">Digi-Reel®
</td><td align="center">0
</td><td align="center">Calculate</td><td align="center">1</td></tr> </tbody></table> 20:03:03 1/9/2014
Same boat without the paddle. Good thing my boards are still in transit or you would really hear some boohooing :lol2: ---Rick
wow that is a long wait

I waited longer for my first batch of LDD's LOL. I just hope DigiKey isn't stringing me along with their estimated shipping date.

Are you still playing with the drivers that I sent you? Long term update needed. LOL
I had the 4 drivers on a 8up board and ran them for 5 days connected to 4 50w led's being controlled by a Jarduino. They ran at 1.4A and never got hot, there was no problem with the fading up or down. During the middle of the day when all the led's where on at almost full power you could easily touch the drivers with your bare hand and only slightly warm to the touch. (the new copper heat sinks are really working out well)please ask any questions you might have. I did not use a bunch of 3w led's I am trying to move away from them like so many other people are.
02 I have decided to keep these. and still need more liked we talked about. One thing I wanted to know is on the 8up boards would it be a good Idea to have them so the end user could use 2 separate power supplies to power 1-4 and 5-8 or am I just not seeing high amp power supplies on ebay
02 I have decided to keep these. and still need more liked we talked about. One thing I wanted to know is on the 8up boards would it be a good Idea to have them so the end user could use 2 separate power supplies to power 1-4 and 5-8 or am I just not seeing high amp power supplies on ebay

I've got 7 more that I can send you. Do you need all of them to run at 1400ma? Let me know how many you need and what current level that they should be set at and I'll get them into the mail for you tomorrow.

The Power traces on the 8 up PcB could be cut to divide the power inputs between two different power supplies. It won't be pretty when your done, but it will be functional. The main trace between 1-4 and 5-8 could be severed to isolate the two rows, and then a separate power wire could then be soldered in to row 5- 8 to provide positive power. The ground side would remain common between between the two rows. Row 1-4 would use the original screw headers. I'll post a picture tomorrow to show exactly what I'm talking about. LOL I'll modify the build files to include this feature, before I order the next batch.
O2 what about this driver STCS1. Max drive is 1.5A and it seems to be more available.

That's a nice find. I only took a quick glance at it's specs, but the first thing I noticed is it's only capable of 40V/1500ma Max. That's not enough for me to consider throwing in the towel on the A6211, being that it can do 48V/3,000ma Max. I'm just going to be patient and wait for the next batch to arrive. ( yes- that's the sound of Crickets LOL )
Here's the latest iteration of my 5up A6211 PCB.

(5) channels- with 4 levels of current selection (300,700,1000,1400ma)
(1) SCW convertor with dual fan connections.
(2) Dallas onewire temp sensor connections.
Atmega328 and DS1307 RTC on board with dual I2C connections, temp sensor tied to D2 and all 5 led drivers tied to a PWM pin.

I' don't think I can cram in anymore.LOL I've already ordered a batch, hopefully it will all function as planned. LOL

Impressive as usual O2!! I'd have trouble sleeping at night if I had all the ideas you have running through my mind. lol:spin2:---Rick
Hey rott,...did you see my pm question. I need to know what battery you use for the rtc on the board I got from you. Thanks,---Rick