Has anyone made an LED driver based on LM3463 6 channel driver IC?

If I may; if one has equipment that pulls 1.5A and 12v and you use a 12v 5A power supply the equipment will only draw the A it needs. Is it not the same for leds?
If I may; if one has equipment that pulls 1.5A and 12v and you use a 12v 5A power supply the equipment will only draw the A it needs. Is it not the same for leds?

No- Light emitting DIODES behave differently than other electronic components. A forward biased diode only offers resistance to current flow until the voltage behind becomes high enough to exceed the diodes Vf (forward voltage). Once that voltage limit is exceeded the diode will conduct and barely offer any resistance to the flow of current. Think of it this way- a diode will act as a "short circuit" if the current flowing through it is not controlled in some way.
In your example above- the led would draw the full 5 amps from the 12V supply and self destruct very quickly.
No- Light emitting DIODES behave differently than other electronic components. A forward biased diode only offers resistance to current flow until the voltage behind becomes high enough to exceed the diodes Vf (forward voltage). Once that voltage limit is exceeded the diode will conduct and barely offer any resistance to the flow of current. Think of it this way- a diode will act as a "short circuit" if the current flowing through it is not controlled in some way.
In your example above- the led would draw the full 5 amps from the 12V supply and self destruct very quickly.
That is not "exactly" true..

LED's can limit their own current based on V(f) , it is just not likely nor "best practice"..
It is minor changes in Voltage that cause major amp draw changes ..

There are two ways to bypass the resistor. One way is to lower the input voltage. If you are able to run your complete circuit with the same voltage as forward voltage of the LED, perfect. No resistor needed.

You found my windmill... ;)
I know "small" LED's but think about it a bit:
I tried it with a 12v battery (not much charge 11.8v) and it read a current draw of just 17 mA and it lit all 4 LED's adequately
In other words it didn't "pull" all the amps it could unless the batt is only 17mA (very unlikely)
In your case, it only works because the leds are not perfect zeners, and the battery voltage just happens to be at one particular sweet spot. What happens when that battery is being charged, and the voltage is approaching 15 volts. What is your led current then?
Once you increase the V the draw increases exponentially of course.......
Is it practical?? Err.. no........ ;)
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<table class="product-details" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" border="1"> <tbody><tr class="product-details-top"></tr><tr class="product-details-bottom"><td class="pricing-description" colspan="3" align="right">All prices are in US dollars.</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">Digi-Key Part Number</th><td id="reportpartnumber">620-1477-1-ND</td><td class="catalog-pricing" rowspan="6" align="center" valign="top"><table id="pricing" frame="void" rules="all" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" border="1"> <tbody><tr><th>Price Break</th><th>Unit Price</th><th>Extended Price </th></tr> <tr><td align="center">1</td><td align="right">1.07000</td><td align="right">1.07</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">10</td><td align="right">0.94400</td><td align="right">9.44</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">50</td><td align="right">0.85200</td><td align="right">42.60</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">100</td><td align="right">0.74540</td><td align="right">74.54</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">250</td><td align="right">0.65372</td><td align="right">163.43</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">500</td><td align="right">0.57976</td><td align="right">289.88</td></tr> <tr><td align="center">1,000</td><td align="right">0.44950</td><td align="right">449.50</td></tr> </tbody></table></td></tr> <tr><th align="right">Quantity Available</th> <td id="quantityavailable" align="left">Digi-Key Stock: 1,256
Can ship immediately
</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">Manufacturer</th><td>Allegro MicroSystems, LLC

</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">Manufacturer Part Number</th><td>A6211GLJTR-T

</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">Description</th><td itemprop="description">IC LED DRVR CONS CURR 8SOIC</td></tr> <tr><th align="right">Lead Free Status / RoHS Status</th><td>Lead free / RoHS Compliant</td></tr> </tbody></table> <table class="update-quantity"> <tbody><tr><th class="quantity" valign="top">Quantity</th><th class="item-number" valign="top">Item Number
</th><th class="customer-reference" valign="top">Customer Reference</th></tr><tr> <td class="quantity"><input id="qty" name="qty" size="9" maxlength="9" value="1" type="text"></td> <td class="item-number">
</td> <td class="customer-reference"><input id="cref" name="cref" size="20" maxlength="48" value="" type="text"></td> <td class="add-to-order">
</td> </tr></tbody></table>

Image shown is a representation only. Exact specifications should be obtained from the product data sheet.

:lol2: LOL- It seems that, as of today, I'm the proud owner of 100 more! (Placed the order in December- and completely forgot about it)

Hi rott,...screen is working, yay!! Now my problem is the board. It won't load eeprom clear. I have a jarduino program on the board right now, but it doesn't have the 18b20 address on it.
Soooo now I jumped around the temp. circuit (18b20 on the screw shield I got from you)so my fan runs to cool the chip,...no biggie.
The rest of the story,...as Paul Harvey would say,...I ordered a new 2560 which I got, but has a problem right out of the box. The program loads, but it stays on the jarduino main screen,...tap it,...it scrolls right back to the same main screen. I have hours plugging and unplugging the shields :headwally: starting to think this project, ain't meant to be. :deadhorse:

Yeah,...just checked my emails, and seen DK is sending 6211's yay!! Ordered mine in Dec. also. I'll be sending out the chips you let me borrow O2 when the order shows up. Thanks buddy :beer:---Rick
Hi rott,...screen is working, yay!! Now my problem is the board. It won't load eeprom clear. I have a jarduino program on the board right now, but it doesn't have the 18b20 address on it.
Soooo now I jumped around the temp. circuit (18b20 on the screw shield I got from you)so my fan runs to cool the chip,...no biggie.
The rest of the story,...as Paul Harvey would say,...I ordered a new 2560 which I got, but has a problem right out of the box. The program loads, but it stays on the jarduino main screen,...tap it,...it scrolls right back to the same main screen. I have hours plugging and unplugging the shields :headwally: starting to think this project, ain't meant to be. :deadhorse:

Yeah,...just checked my emails, and seen DK is sending 6211's yay!! Ordered mine in Dec. also. I'll be sending out the chips you let me borrow O2 when the order shows up. Thanks buddy :beer:---Rick

Jeez Rick- I'd totally forgotten that I'd loaned you those! LOL- add 20 more to the pile! These chips were "unobtaintium" a couple of months ago.... now they're like "tribbles" LOL (Old School "Star Trek" reference, for those that didn't know)
Think they are like the ET, Lock Ness Monster, Big Foot,...seeing is believing,...when I have them in my hand I'll be singing,... I'm a believer, I'm a believer yeah baby:dance: will be interesting to see just how long these 1256 last.---Rick


I know a lot of users that have these boards that 02 has made use Jarduino software to run your setups has anyone used the Ferduino sketch?? It was made for the 3.2WS but has a x and y variable for changing it to work on a standard 3.2 lcd, it is ported to several different languages English is one.
anyway it does a bunch more stuff than the Jarduino and wanted to see if anyone had any input on using it compared to other well known sketches
I'm using my 2nd to last board that won't clear but has jarduino on it just don't have my 18b20 on it that turns my fan on the cooler,...so I just jumped around the 18b20 and run the fan all the time. The important part is the board controls the led power %'s and time durations which the current board is running the way I have them set. yay! The seller of the newest (won't load) board is sending me a new board, so when I get it, I should be able to load it with the jarduino program with the 18b20 addresses on it. So long story long,...whoooo :spin2:
Maybe the problem comes from connecting and disconnecting the boards so many times. Pulling the boards apart adds a lot of strain on them. If you agree maybe try a ribbon cable from the tft/lcd shield and the arduino screw shield, that way you don't have to pull them apart anymore. I have a couple extra clock chips also if you thing the one you have is bad
I have a rtc working fine now. Not sure what happened that the board won't load eeprom clear. For now it has the complete jarduino program from the last time I loaded it,....the program just don't have any 18b20 addresses and now when I enter the 18b20 address to the program, I can't load it to the board. The board just won't take eeprom clear but at least it has the rest of the jarduino program working