Has anyone made an LED driver based on LM3463 6 channel driver IC?

Received four of these boards today:


Slightly off topic, I know the DreamChip LEDs run around 252 Watts at full power - is that the same amount of power I'd need to dissipate with a large enough heatsink to keep it under 60C?

A massive 10x12" heatsink could probably do it with convection alone, no fans...
Not all of the power will be converted to heat. At least a bit will be converted to light :p

I'd assume 40% is light and the rest is heat. It should really be the other way round if the LEDs are any good, but you will not hurt anything by having too much cooling, you will hurt things by having too little..

Those boards look great

02 do you have any drivers like that but in singles with jumper select ?

Thanks Dale.

Unfortunately- the little driver that I built to replace the LDD-H doesn't have enough room for the current selection jumpers or the additional resistors. There's just not enough room for them on the PcB. At least the current setting resistor is accessible on my PcB design, unlike the LDD-H, and can be replaced pretty easily.:dance:
Hay 007 hows it going lost all my koi over the last winter but I have every thing I need for it. Got my pond going again then found I have a hole in the liner some where about a foot under the water line
you never did send the pic's of your tank with the new lights on it when you going to get a camera :)

Hey Dale, sorry about that. Here's a shot that I took a few weeks back. It was taken from one end of the tank, so your seeing everything through 6' of water. LOL

wow... and that is still using those same leds you put on that makers heat sink? or did you change it up some?

Buy the way that is clear water
wow... and that is still using those same leds you put on that makers heat sink? or did you change it up some?

Buy the way that is clear water

Yep- that's what it looks like with the Vero 18's. In that picture I was driving the cool whites at 700ma and the warm white at 300ma. LOL- Dual Red Sea Ocean Clear filters handle the filtering duties and really help to keep the water crystal clear.
OH MY GOD..... Vero 18's are STUUUUUUUPID BRIGHT! Led efficiency sure has come a long ways in the last few years! I just finished up my new 6' Makers Heat sink build only to discover that I didn't need 1400ma or 1000ma to get decent output from these newer Leds. 12 of these at 700ma is more than enough! The best thing is - I'm able to run it all off only one 350 watt supply.
The 5 channel A6211 drivers are working beautifully, and don't even get warm to the touch. I spent some time over the last few days cobbling together some dimming control code that features 10 bit resolution, an I2C display & a DS18B20 temp sensor. It's been running on my test rig for a couple of days now, and has been stable so far. I know that's not as buttery smooth as 12 bit, but I'm cool with only 1024 steps at 150Hz. It beats the heck out of 8 bit and 255 steps. I'll post some pictures of the led light and the "lowly" Plant Tank it's over now some time this weekend.:dance:

Hi O2, what voltage is the 350W supply? if you can share the model name please that is suiting your Veros.

Thank you.
02 how hot do the leds get at 700 running 12 of them do they even make your heat sink get warm?.. now that you have been running them for a while what is your opinion on what is growing not growing in your tank and would you change any of the leds out with other ones or colors now that you have been running it

I am setting up a new fw 150 and think I might give these ago but not forking out for a makers heat sink.. I am thinking 1 8 up and a 4 up and I will be good
02 how hot do the leds get at 700 running 12 of them do they even make your heat sink get warm?.. now that you have been running them for a while what is your opinion on what is growing not growing in your tank and would you change any of the leds out with other ones or colors now that you have been running it

I am setting up a new fw 150 and think I might give these ago but not forking out for a makers heat sink.. I am thinking 1 8 up and a 4 up and I will be good


The 6' Maker's Heat Sink is serious overkill cooling for only 12 Leds. It gets barley over room temperature from what I'm able to tell, and that's with all the leds running at 700ma or more.
These Leds will grow anything! I have noticed that the "Cool Whites" seem to promote Algae better than the 97 CRI "Decor Whites", so I'm currently experimenting with the lighting and have been running the "Decors" at 1400ma and the "Cool Whites" at only 300ma. So far so good. It's been two weeks since I changed the lighting mix and there's barely any new algae to speak of with no other changes made- not even the water LOL. I know that the plants continue to be happy as they still cause the tank water to bubble like Champagne from all the excess O2 that's being produced.
In the future I may swap the 5000K 70 CRI "cool whites" for the newer 5500K 90 CRI "cool whites" just for sh!ts & giggles since they're only $15 each at DigiKey.

If you can hold off on the new light until the end of the year, a certain DIY LED Mass Purchase site will have the Makers heat sink ON SALE for 20% off and free shipping. That's how I got mine. $240 to my front door. Considering that it comes with 6 fans and a boat load of led mounting hardware- It's a good deal IMHO.
I still like looking at that pic

LOL- Let me know if you ever want some Staurogyne Repens. I haven't had any time lately to trim it, so it's now turned into an 18" tall "bush". I expect it to breach the water's surface in another week or two if I don't do something about it soon.:headwalls:
I have a roll of 4 core 18 awg wire will it be ok to use it to run 2 50W LEDs at 36v @ 1.4 amps each I will be running 12 of these on 12 drivers from 2 36v 11amp PSU's
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I have a roll of 4 core 18 awg wire will it be ok to use it to run 2 50W LEDs at 36v @ 1.4 amps each I will be running 12 of these on 12 drivers from 2 36v 11amp PSU's

18 awg should be fine. It all depends on how many feet you're going to use. It's rated at 2.3 amps when used for "power transmission" and 14amps for "chassis wiring".