Has anyone used something like this as a backup power supply?

from a glance there is no real run time info on this. it says w.. but nothing nowhere did i see battery capacity..
I am thinking it has the power to run the pump but prob for only minutes at this cost.

You are much better off getting a DEEP CYCLE BATTERIES AND A DC/AC INVERTER.. but by time you buy those you can almost get a generator..
Ok, thanks for the info - sounds like a dead end. Generator, or maybe converter plugged into car cig-port might be the best way to go.
That pump uses a very, very large amount of power. You can use a Kill-a-Watt meter to verify this. I would personally not plug one into a car's 12v power.
I have used something similar, and eventually gave up on it. At first I had my filters, powerheads, light, everything plugged into the battery backup outlets. But it wasn't able to run all of that. So I tried just filters and heaters. It would run for maybe 8 or 10 minutes. Then tried only the smaller filter (aquaclear 70) and a 50w heater. It would run for a little bit.... 15 minutes or so max. Eventually I stopped using it due to the on/off button sticking, and overall size of it. It was an experiment i wouldn't recommended repeating.
A far, far better option is to use a DC powerhead of just about any kind and use an IceCap, Coral Box, or Ecotech battery backup. They are inexpensive and will run these powerheads for over 24 hours each. The IceCap and Coral Box units I know can be daisy chained to double/triple/etc runtime.
If you're on a budget, check out harbor freight generators. I got a little guy 750w running, 900w peak i think.... for about 90 bucks. It ran all the equipment (light included) on my 20g no problem at all. I wouldn't think it would have trouble doing a little more either. No inverter or anything, and rather loud.... but great to have for emergencies. Of course if budget isn't an issue, honda generators are really excellent.
I do use one to plug electronic controllers into but it is a Opti-UPS true sine wave backup. It doesn't give them a lot of run time but it does filter the electricity from spikes.

Years ago someone was digging ditches for a sprinkler system and cut through a 240v line that had been run without permit years prior for an RV outlet. It fried a lot of 120v equipment that was plugged into the wall including the UPS but... everything plugged into the UPS made it. OPTI replaced the UPS. Was an overall good experience.

This is what I use.