I was just looking through all your photos again and thought to myself, no way this guy hasn't won TOTM. I went and searched and sure enough you have back in January. So for that, congrats on such a huge honor! Your tank is so beautiful :thumbsup:
I was wondering in your TOTM write up (http://reefkeeping.com/joomla/index.php/current-issue/article/107-tank-of-the-month#), what is the zoas that are green and orange in the bottom row in the middle in the last set of pictures? Those are stunning and one of a kind.
Great work on the rescape Steve! anthias are looking happy. I had to take a hammer to my tonga branch rock during the move. I tried the saw blade without success.
nice looking tank
Jam packed tank!!!
Fricken Massive!!
wow...i lost track of this thread.
just amazing.......the tank does look better now though. Im sure your glad you made the changes.
Man thinking about breaking down the tank and I find this thread. You making it hard to quit
I thought so too about taking the hammer to the tonga (the mess) but youd be suprised how clean a few careful whacks breaks a branch right where you want it to.
Any news on the tank? Assume everything has settled down and stabilized after your thinning event?
Was reading over on Dan Rigles thread (rigleautomotive) about his annual large cleaning process. Do you do anything similiar?
Please post updated pics if you have them!
such an inspiring system. In a roundabout way, I believe I have a couple frags that originally came from you, although I'm not 100% sure. I bet your fish are happy to have more swimming room now
Tank looks stunning, one of the best out there IMO.
Jam packed tank!!!
Fricken Massive!!
Steve, those corals look amazing they are in the prime of health. Wow!!
(pause) WOW!!
Now seeing those fishes....I think iv never seen more healthy,plump and well fed fishes ever in a reef tank. They look just amazing in prime of health and colour. I know how hard it is to strike a balance between feeding fishes and maintenance of an SPS tank. It's a thin line to balance considering the nutrient factor. And you are going it perfectly. Speaks volumes of the dedicated care and husbandry you are giving to your reef.
Such great inspiration and a role model tank you have. Your tank is the epitome of a thriving SPS reef tank. You have the majic touch my man...don't deny it
The one and only true "Coral Gardener"
Thank you Steve for the New Year inspiration for me and my tank.
Guys....Steve needs a standing ovation!!!
Wow...just beautiful!
Well said Noob!
That black tang is impressive Reef Smack. Is their behavior fairly typical of the Zebrasoma species? More specifically, does yours seem to display the same amount of agressiveness as the yellow or sailfin variety?
Thanks for the pictures! How many efflos do you have? I love their relative hardines (outside of the $500) but they seem to grow quickly and shade everything beneath them.
That is not a pic from his tank. It looks like a pic from the South Pacific!:spin2: Happy New Year, Steve!!
Great tank and plumbing system !!
really inspiring !
I will echo what most have already said on this thread:
Kraylen, very nice pics, you have serious photo taking skills. What photo processing program do you use?
Reef Smac, damn fine looking tank you have there. Just as good, of not better than what you will find at the local public aquarium. I am wonder if we ever met while I was there. We must have at least once or twice, either through there or PP. Either way, I would love to come check out you set up if possible.