Hello all,
Haven't put any updates on here for a while. So here goes a little update for you all.
I've been doing a major hack job on a whole bunch of stuff for a period of several months now. So much of my corals were just getting too large. Not really a bad problem to have actually, it was just getting to the point where the entire top canopy of my tank was just one solid coral mass. I was getting many corals that were dying at the bases from not being able to get any light and at the same time growing all the way to water surface and/or growing outward to where they were touching my viewing windows and making it really difficult to clean them. In fact, the entire lower half of my tank was becoming really shaded and just wasn't able to get much light at all. I was actually losing corals in the lower half of my tank that used to do really well and had just been shaded to the point of being brown and/or dead.
I've been spending many hours cutting out large colonies, chopping off all that lower dead underbrush, and replanting them back as a more manageable size. I've also tried to rearrange some of their placements, putting some of the ones that really table out solid to lower areas where they don't block out the light to everything below them. This never seems to work too well as they all seem to table pretty much once the reach a certain size, but I'll keep trying.
Some corals have responded well to the new changes, some not so well. Some of the ones that weren't getting much light, being shaded from above, suddenly are getting a ton more light. Some of those are looking better every day and others bleached from the light shock and still are pretty mad (or even dead). Some of the ones that I moved to different locations like their new spot, others hated it and RTNed. I've been trying to accomplish this task in phases, that way not causing too much of a shock to my system at one time.
Overall it's been positive so far. I never really seem to be able to make everything in my tank happy at the same time though anyway.
I put this project off for a long time, probably too long, knowing what a chore this was going to be. I still have a ways to go, as this is still a work in progress.
Here are a bunch of pictures I took before I began this massacre.