Heater in rubbermaid sump?


Registered Member.
Is it safe to put a heater in a rubbermaid sump? Im worried it will melt through the plastic
I have 2 300 watt heaters just laying in my sump.
No problems, just make sure there is good water flow. The water takes the heat from the heaters so fast they really don't get hot per say.
If you are woried you can always put a small peice of glass in there so you dont have to be worried about it melting. It should not be a problem though.
could also put one of those fancy trendy silicone hot mitts they sell these days. their rated for some pretty high temps.

glass would work too.
You could lay the heater horizontally with the suction cups facing down. No worries and it doesn't even have to stick.
Make sure you have constant movement around it and try to have it not touching the bottom.

I've had 2 issues with the rubberneck bins, but none with the brute cans. The issues were my fault with my top off bins....1: I let the water level get too low and the heater melted right through it, and 2: never quite did figure what happend.
Re: Heater in rubbermaid sump?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6472108#post6472108 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by xcuter
Is it safe to put a heater in a rubbermaid sump? Im worried it will melt through the plastic

I've had a heater ALMOST go through a 150G RubberMaid. STRONGLY suggest you suspend the heater in the sump away from the bottom and sides, or use an encased heater like the Fire Plug (sp?) or LifeGard (sp?).

Bob D.
Yea that's no joke if you don't have addiquate flow from the heater it will melt through a rubbermaid. My brother had this happen upstairs and well the rest was about 2 grand in repair. I've seen those in-line heaters.... not sure if they work but the concept is there..... anyone ever tried one????