Hello SHARK's


Clams and More Clams
I was told to stop by and say hi... Just joined your group...:beer: to you all.. Hope to meet some of you.

Glad to see you made it over Lance. Welcome to the party!

Was nice talking to you. We don't have anyone to host a December meeting yet so i'm not sure if that will be happening (hopefully it won't come to that) but if not we will be having on in January so that would be a great opportunity to meet some locals.

Glad to see you made it over Lance. Welcome to the party!

Was nice talking to you. We don't have anyone to host a December meeting yet so i'm not sure if that will be happening (hopefully it won't come to that) but if not we will be having on in January so that would be a great opportunity to meet some locals.


Sure thing... ;)
Yes , Welcome . I'm glad you stopped by and checked us out . Hope to see you at our next meeting . We are still working on having one in December . Ted