Help Build My Tank!


Premium Member
Okay here it goes...

With my new setup, I should be processing around 130 gal of water. At this point in time I'm thinking about an in sump skimmer, but could be talked out of it.

Please give me your opinions about skimmers and what you think I should go with...
Ok, so the tank is 48" long, 24" wide and 18" deep

Lights and fans are bought.

Skimmer. I like my Euroreef, Bret talks poop about it. I also have the first gen skimmer, and have the orignal pump but it works and does the job just perfectly, I have a pretty heavy fish load IMO.

You had mentioned getting another Seachem pump if I remeber right...right?

Also how about those super sweet oceansmotions revolutions.

Im working on drawing a stand...

dang, im probably as excited as you are Mike.
I don't know enough about all the versions and mods to skimmers to offer any advice.

I like my Aqua C Urchin Pro, but I'm certain there are better products out there if you research it and shop around. Space was a big issue for me and in-sump was a deciding factor.

I think before you decide on skimmer, you need to know what sump will it be going in.

Well, that's a different story. According to the calculations table, with the flow I'm looking at, my sump needs to be a minimum of 29 gallons. I know that I can build one, but it will probably cost me over 250 for the acrylic to build one the size I want. I could buy a tank or use the glass 55 that I have, but them I'm stuck with those dimensions.

Glass or acrylic I thing I could modify it to accommodate most any skimmer.
Let me throw this in there:

Depending on the height of your stand (internally as well), that will also play a part in what skimmer you can get.

If you can accomidate the space I would go with an external skimmer. I have an internal and thought about drilling my sump when I moved the tank, just dont have the heigth inside like dana was saying. you have alot more control of water hieght within the sump (thus raising or lowering your total system volume) with an external. If it's internal you still have the same ability, but the water will be displaced by the skimmer and possibly by whatever you use to raise the skimmer. in my case, if i could relocate my skimmer I would add about 3 gallons to my total system volume. i hope this makes sense...
Question on the stand Mike.
Do you want a tall stand like mine, or shorter.

And for your sump, I say we build one. It will be EXACTLY what you want and no corners cut. Get some acrylic and we can build you a sump.
The external skimmer makes perfect sense. Any suggestions on brand?

I'm thinking tall stand, maybe between your and the one I have now.

I'm leaning towards just building a sump. If you’re going to do it, why not do it right!
Well, that's a good question! I would prefer to spend around $300 ish, but I want something that's going to be awesome, so I might have to spend a little more. i.e. I don't know!
The skimmer was the downfall of the stand I have now so the new one is 32 inches tall on the inside so I can get pretty much any skimmer needed for my new system.
If you get your tank up before mine, (which you probably will) I am going to be really upset. But then again, I can learn from your mistakes or vise versa. Have you thought about the closed loop for it yet?
I don't want to get off the skimmer topic just yet, but I am debating the whole "Oceans Motions," how much flow is enough, one pump or two, Japanese house with small breaker, low heat transfer/no chiller stuff right now.

It's quite the internal battle at this moment!

If you had something like an Oceans Motions how much flow would you need in a 90 gal tank?
Whatever model you decide with X amount of output, buy the next model up. :D

Everytime the wife asks how many fishing poles do you need? You say, "Just one more!" (this works for EVERYTHING!)
I would probably go for a 1500 gph centrifugal pump. Your tank is 48" so 4 to 8 outputs would do you just fine. Plus you will still have your return to the tank as well.
Thank for the link billfish!

Try this out for size, sounds a little crazy, but hear me out...

The goal is return pump with no power heads coupled with low energy consumption!

Some of the guys with 90s on the OceansMotions forum are setting their tank up similar to this:

A Reeflo Dart pump, the pumps low rpm, high flow, 2800gph at 4' head w/bypass valve for fuge/etc... in to a Super Squirt that rotates through 4 - 1" lines. Seems like a ton of flow, but you can always run more through the bypass right?

The nice thing is the pump is only 1.4amps/160W
Also did the calculations and found out I would need a 35 gal or larger sump... I think I can fit that under my tank!
Sounds a lot like what I am planning. I will run a mag 9.5 from my sump, a 20 gallon tank converted to sump which fits under my stand, to my chiller to an oceans motions squirt. I am converting the 30 gallon to a fuge and since you need a low flow (around 100 gal/ hr) for the fuge I will probably run a smaller mag pump (not sure which and run that to my return. Both pumps will be run external. I will probably have the fuge sitting behind my stand so it will be a shorter run to the OM Squirt. I will be eliminating 3 mj1200s a wavemaker pro and the Aquafuge HOB and its supply pump. My goal is basically the same as yours, plenty of flow, low power consumption, little heat added to the tank and no powerheads in the tank (72 bow).
Make sure your overflow can handle Reeflo Dart pump, 2800gph. I only have 1" lines which I believe at best can provide 900gal/hr flow for the pumps.
Good luck, I will be tagging along.