help choosing an RO/DI unit

Dear lord man you can get higher gpd rated membranes the higher the gpd rating you go, the lower the percentage of filtration you will get out of it.

As long as you stay below. 100gpd unit you shouldn't need a pump. Most people have 45-60 psi to their faucets which is ideal.

The only case that would be different is a rural well water source or the higher your apartment floor is, the lower the pressure. So unless you have these cases or you complain of low pressure in your house then don't even think of wasting the money.
Filmtec is the most widely used membrane in systems in this hobby. The 50, 75, and 100 gpd membranes are popular.

All are spec'ed at 50 psi, 77 degree water, and 250 ppm feedwater.

At these conditions, the 50 and 75 gpd membranes are spec'ed at 98 % rejection. The Filmtec 100 gpd is speced at 90% rejection.

Run the permeate (RO water) from any of these membranes to a good DI stage and you'll likely see 0 tds out of the DI - but all other things being equal, you'll burn through your resin more quickly with the 100 gpd membrnae.

question for all you ro experts. how accurate are the tds meters? can i trust the readout even though the meter never gets calibrated? does it accuracy ever drift? another question. what happens if your pressure going into the ro unit from tap is something less than optimum? membrane damage/life? thanks
plus or minus 2% is not uncommon on the meters. And yes, occassionally the meters should be calibrated.

Low pressure => more waste water => less purified water => less than ideal functioning of the RO membrane (higher TDS output from the membrane)

Our ProPlus RO/DI system is on sale now for $149:

SpectraPure, Inc.

I like this. Thats a great package. I've looked at all of the others that have been posted and this just about has all thats needed. I didn't see anywhere but did it come with the shut off valve, "T" for a line to the refrigerator between ro and di filters, flush valve (how necessary is this) the description i looked at was not superdetailed?